The Harbinger of Blood-Soaked Rainbows

So, it turns out that the Mantis Shrimp is a pretty impressive creature.


DL Sly said...

Ok, that was cool.
And more informational that I would have ever expected.

Eric Blair said...

There is so much stuff in the world...

Texan99 said...

That business with the aquarium walls was pretty startling.

Bob said...

They're pretty tasty with a lime chilli and cilantro dressing too.

douglas said...

Okay, that's really cool.
It's not correct to say it sees colors we don't have names for, though- we know what the spectrum is beyond our ability to see, so it's just that they can see into the infrared and ultraviolet parts of spectrum.

I had to see the mantis shrimp at work after reading that- Here and here are a couple fairly good super slo-mo vids.