Consideration: A Cookbook

Occasionally I have posted recipes here, recently for my barbecue sauce, several for chili and also several recipes for using datil pepper. I'm thinking of putting together a cookbook of my favorites, to include meat pies and breads, perhaps my mead recipe, and so forth and so on. Would any of you be interested in such a thing? I would probably self-publish it through Amazon like I did my other books. 


  1. Harmon Ward1:40 PM

    I would be interested. These days I cook a lot for myself and I am always wanting to try something new.

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I love cookbooks. I don't always cook stuff from them - I just enjoy reading them. So, yes, I would be interested.


  3. Yes, I'd be interested, especially if you included historical notes. My favorite cookbook is probably Mark Kurlansky's Cod: A Biography of the Fish that Changed the World, which is a history book with a few recipes in it.

  4. You’ll enjoy this article then.

  5. I would definitely be interested. Include recommended pairings with ciders and meads.

  6. Indeed, Grim, that is just the sort of cooking article I enjoy. Thanks!
