Any landing you can swim away from

 I stole the line from one of my neighbors, commenting on this small plane that went down in the small bay between us and the nearest small town.

We don't know what happened yet.  He was flying into our small community airport and lost power at the end of about an hour's flight, a mile or so from the runway.  He wasn't hurt so's you'd notice.  Apparently the fishing guide who was meeting him saw him going down and hotfooted it out to the bay to bail him out, so he didn't stay long in the only mildly cool water, still somewhere in the 70s.


  1. Good looking out by his friend.

  2. ymarsakar6:23 PM

    Many more single plane pilots having accidents.

    The two pilot commercial ones have co pilots when the pilot faints or dies in the air.

  3. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Based on my experiences flying in that area, I'd suspect carburator ice, fuel pump failure, or, ah, the gas tanks becoming filled with air. Depends on the model of plane and the various systems. (BTDT with carb ice, but it cleared after scaring a few years worth of grey hairs onto my head.)


  4. A seaplane it isn't.

    About 20 or so years ago, was working on a house on Lake Glenville, the neighbor had a seaplane he'd park on a ramp below his house. About twice a week he'd take off across the lake and fly to Atlanta and back.

    They finally made him stop using the lake for his airport.
