Actual Treason in the Senate

A book reviewed by MIT Press points out that Ted Kennedy had a KGB liaison, and that he regularly communicated with the USSR on undercutting American foreign policy. 

That explains his long, deep friendship with John Kerry. 


  1. Teddy Kennedy wasn't the first.

    I strongly recommend Sean McKeekin's Stalin's War, for a take on FDR's performance in the run-up to and throughout WWII. It's certainly not the only take, but it's one worth considering.

    Eric Hines

  2. So, why don't we ever hang these people? Ted Kennedy was held in high honor as a Senator as long as he wanted to be, and died covered in roses. Kerry is still a high ranking official after a career covered in honors and rank.

    What's wrong with our system that we never manage to hang one of these traitors? Even just the odd one now and then would encourage the others.

  3. So, why don't we ever hang these people?

    Couple reasons, among others. Knowing someone is guilty of wrong-doing is different from being able to prove the guilt in court.

    Much of this sort of traitor-ness is political in nature, and politicians generally protect each other in a bastardization of Sir Thomas More's position.

    In the end, too, one form of hanging, if only metaphorical, yet of some practical consequence, is to vote these persons out of office and keep them out. But that would require us, We the People, to be more a more virtuous people than we've become. If we ever were.

    Eric Hines

  4. My real answer? They were both reliably pro-choice and therefore protected from accusations.

    Yes, they also were skilled in the vicious insult delivered in polite tones, and that wasn't nothin'. But convincing liberal women, even ones just like the women they abused and took advantage of, that they were the Alpha Males (Lion of the Senate) who would protect them made all the feminists who staunchly insisted they were independent, invincible, and brave, swoon like schoolgirls.

    I guess they should get some credit for discerning early that those women didn't really mean it.

  5. Gringo4:05 PM

    Some years ago, it was reported that Ted Kennedy had made contact with Andropov during the 1984 electoral campaign, wanting to know what he should do to prevent the re-election of Reagan.
