Courage to Speak the Hard Truths

 Police Captain Frank Umbrino of Rochester, New York got up in front of the press after the recent shooting at a house party that killed two, and injured fourteen others, and spoke about the hard truths our society has been dodging for too long.  I have no idea if he is a Republican or Democrat, but either way, I think he should run for local or state office.  The citizens of Rochester deserve better than the politicians, and he seems the right man for the job.  If you can spare a little under nine minutes, it's a good listen-


  1. Gun control laws: not helpful, and existing ones not enforced.

    Bail reform: disastrous.

    Needed: adults, morals, honesty about what's really causing problems.

    That all sounds right.

  2. ymarsakar11:44 PM

    Americans don't even know who is dying or suffering in USA. Transparency would go a long ways. That'll arrive by June in 2021.
