A Contract with Black America

 Ice Cube, the famous hip hop artist from the 1990s, has gotten into a lot of trouble for meeting with Donald Trump to talk over Cube's "Contract with Black America." Apparently he offered it to the Democrats, and they told him to try them after the elections. When he offered it to Trump, Trump set a meeting and then adjusted at least some of his platform to account for the demands he thought most reasonable. 

You can read the whole thing here, if you're interested. Some of it is easy common ground to which many of us could readily agree; other parts are not. If you're interested to know what kind of deal he thinks would set things right between white and black America, though, here you go.


  1. This is one of those laundry list things that ought to be easily subject to Bill Clinton's style of "triangulation". Not everything will get done. Maybe even the most important things will not get done. But a LOT of things on the list COULD get done.

    What needs to happen is somebody compiles another list of more or less orthogonal proposals. Then each group sets priorities -- 1 through 20 say. (A through W...) Then a mediator sits at an apex point between each side of the table, and starts putting together the package. Will team blue drop point C and support red point 7 in exchange for team red support for point F and forgetting red point 12? If "C" is too vital, which CAN be sacrificed? Can you give up Q and V for support on E? Will you support 4 now in exchange for a pledge of future support on a topic to be identified after elections...

    Bill Clinton (and Newt Gingrich) had flaws aplenty, but both understood political horse-trading in the grand ol' traditions of Clay Calhoun and Webster.

  2. "Give us everything we want and we'll think about not demanding anything else. Maybe."

    How about "no". If America is such a crappy place for blacks, if $20-trillion in handouts over the past 50 years, and if 600,000+ dead white men in the Civil War aren't enough then nothing ever will be.

    No reparations. No apologies. No "contracts". Get over it or get out.

  3. ymarsakar11:39 PM

    Won't be a federal reserve or debt in the years to come. Not sure why they are expending energy on that one.

  4. ymarsakar11:42 PM

    No reparations. No apologies. No "contracts". Get over it or get out.

    No reparations for Hussein's treason and damage of Americans. No apologies. No contracts to prosecute Epstein elite rings.

    At that point, the totalitarians will present the ultimatum, Obey or Die.

    The point is veiled behind two layers.
