Must Be Important

Both Facebook and Twitter decided to censor this story.  

Guess you’d better read it so you can decide for yourself. 


  1. The Senate Judiciary Committee has posted the gist of the article that Facebook and Twitter are censoring on its Web site. There's a link to the NYP article at the end.

    I do have questions about the provenance of the laptop on the way in to the repair shop, the provenance of the hard drive on the way out to the FBI, and the controls over the hard drive data in between.

    It's pretty damning stuff, if it bears out.

    Eric Hines

  2. Pleased as I am that proof surfaced and is in the hands of law enforcement, I have to wonder whether there are any undecided voters left who ever believed Biden's protestations of ignorance in the first place. But every little bit helps as we approach election day.

    I've already voted, myself.

  3. I gather the FBI was given the proof many months ago, and disappeared it like usual. They can’t be trusted to pursue charges that embarrass the powerful. They should really be disbanded after all we’ve learned from this, the Russia hoax, the Flynn matter, and the Clinton investigation.

    Here’s more from the Post.

  4. The FBI destroyed the laptop.

  5. A guy on Twitter quoted Wray saying that, but there's no attribution and no link, unfortunately. No one else seems to have the story in any form.

  6. A guy on Twitter has more credibility than the FBI these days, not that they've denied it. It fits their usual pattern.

  7. What * is * it with Democrats and laptops?

    Anthony Weiner?
    Deborah Wassermann Schultz?
    Hillary Clinton?
    Beau Biden?
    John Podesta?
    Henry Waxman?

    Maybe they need a background check, waiting period, training and proof of mental health before being allowed to own or carry such powerful hardware ...

  8. ymarsakar11:46 PM

    Grim, there's a reason why Ymar doesn't trust the Feds.

    Southerners think they are the ones most paranoid in the USA on the topic of the Feds... but that is actually untrue. There's always somebody higher.

  9. ymarsakar11:51 PM

    If it was just tinfoil hatters like Ymar on Twitter, it would be one thing but... there's a guy named Rudy Giuliani somehow involved.

    Also, leaks are coming out in the rumor mill that Hussein Obola, your last US President, paid Iran ransom for taking out Seal Team Six and faking the Osama assassination hit.

    In comparison to that, Hunter is safe.
