Ymar’s Post

For Wednesday. What do you think about this Qanon ban on Twitter?


  1. ymarsakar9:13 AM

    Oh, Grim is going there now hehe.

    Actually, the biggest news is the Chinese consulate in Houston burning papers. Sounds like preparations for Pearl Harbor 2020. Oh of course, that could just be saber rattling... but remember, THIS IS 2020. Right? in 2019, sure, it may be just trade war rattling and intimidation. But this is 2020.

    2020 is a little bit "different". Lol

    Twitter and Leftist tools have been ordered to suppress Q anon. They have already been doing so, if you search for "Q Anon" articles on google or main sewer news.

    They are "larping" or a "conspiracy movement". Actually, Flynn is part of this movement and they DPS the hell out of Flynn (Damage Per Second). So these are just "paranoid" live action role players that think people are out to get them. They "hear voices" from a "Q" like the Q in Star Trek.

    As for what I think... first we are going to need some background briefing first.

  2. ymarsakar9:29 AM

    Ok, time to get into serious game war mode.


    The "Q" stands for Q clearance, those with special access to Special Access programs, on the white list. I mentioned this to you before, here, Grim, as it goes back a few weeks. If you have not used your military/intel/journalist contacts on this, you should. They won't speak about it, even assuming they know, as most of them do not.

    This is either equivalent to Top Secret clearance, or above secret clearance even in some aspects.

    General Eisenhower, President at the time, was denied access to Area 51 or Grumm Lake, because he did not have the "need to know". Think about what that means. Open source records still have this news, for now.

    (You are going to witness how Ymar connects the dots intel analysis wise, which means it will be confusing)

    Q Anon which stands for Q that is Anonymous or the Anonymous community (4chan, 8 chan, 8 kun) first started on these anonymous boards that you don't even use pseudonyms on that uses some kind of crypto calculations to put IDs on post that are unique. I don't know how they tell each other apart, but apparently they can as it is some kind of Geek Code. They are the real or rather old internet brought anew. The old internet of adults that could do or post anything, before it split into the Dark Net that is. So 4 chan was like the very edge of the Dark Net (I won't explain what that is, as you can look it up yourself using your contacts and google), where Light and Dark met.

    As a result, 4 chan and 8 chan have been persecuted and chased down, much like pirate sites for copyright. They are enemies of the "elites", especially the elites that believe in redistribution of wealth. These internet "pirates", ahckers, "crackers", are the "real" redistributing noble thieves, and groups like Anonymous (hacker crackers) pride themselves on being the... what do they call it, SCENE? yES.

    This matters because after shutting down 4 chan and its twins or daughters, 8kun is on the DOD server and cannot be shut down as an attack on it would be equivalent to an attack on the DOD. The Defense guys. You know, those guys.

    And that is when normal people should pause for a minute or 5. Why is Q Anon hosted on 8kun which is hosted on the DOD ip?

    You won't hear about this on the news, because the news is told to suppress them, not invigorate them.

    Recently, the Q drops (dead drops, again look it up in spy/trade craft) told the hundreds of millions of world wide followers, to "take the oath" and post themselves on Twitter, which means they unmask themselves. They are NO LONGER ANONYMOUS. This is a leap of faith, and a ritual even. This was a reaction to the Cabal unleashing BLM/Antifa. These are cyber soldiers, and see themselves as such. A joke? Listen to General Flynn talk about cyber soldiers, he is one of the bigger official Q anon followers as his entire family took this oath just a week or so ago on twitter.

  3. ymarsakar9:34 AM

    This means the War is on, and twitter is now being given direct orders to take them out. After 7000 accounts are suspended... most likely because they were traced to the "non anonymous video of themselves", 7000 "new accounts" will spring up and infiltrate the Q anon movement and fracture it, the same way happened to UFOlogy, Muufon, and other white/black/conservative militias. (Waco 2)

    This Invisible War, although you don't see even half of it as much is underground or cloaked, has gone Active, at least in a cyber sense. And maybe in a physical sense with the riots.

    This is not Live Action Role Playing, Grim, that I know to be true. This is something... different. Something similar to what Flynn talks about or Trump talks about or Vigano talks about. You guys are not quite ready to hear what Ymar talks about, but this is a beginning at least. Once it sinks in that the Q thing is real, then we can talk about what they are fighting for or why or who opposes them. Until then, they are just this "thing" that nobody knows about, except as a cult. Americans have a history of calling something a cult before persecuting it, due to religious freedom.

    If your bandwidth is limited, you are at a disadvantage Grim, because most of the useful stuff is on youtube, even the primary source speeches of Flynn and Trump. You can barely get 1% if anything, from reading articles online now a days.

    Facebook, ytube, twitter, these are the places where the digital totalitarian suppression is most noticeable. Because that is where most of the Rebels are. You like rebels, right, grim? Hehe.

    Then you chose the right time period to be born and live in. You won't see this drama play out again.

  4. ymarsakar9:37 AM

    For example, the Loyd whatever guy and his biospy or what they call coronary report? Candace found this several weeks ago and posted it on twitter. So this is old news. Or rather, there were more than one coroner's report.

    The "news cycle" is massaged and managed by the Deep State. Almost everything is. What is the difference between clinical paranoia and war? Well, it depends on whether you are in a psych ward or not. If you are in a psych ward, then yes. If you are not in a psych ward, and you answer "you hear voices", then yes.

  5. ymarsakar9:38 AM

    Why did the messengers of the Godhead, get charbroiled and killed, hunted down, by human organizations?

    Becaues they heard the wrong Voice and obeyed the wrong Voice. Because they said that the world was evil and run by evil over lords, because they said a lot of things that angered and offended people.

    How did John Baptist lose his head? Cause he told some human leader, that he was wrong. And a woman demanded his head. That tells me the woman realized John was unto her and this was a real problem. Otherwise exile/banishment would be more effective.

  6. ymarsakar9:43 AM

    Counter: Why the focus on Q people given the need to oust Trump?

    Y: Because Q and Trump are... very close. Very very close. Allies if not co conspirators.

    Any more questions, Grim?

  7. ymarsakar10:46 AM


    Portland is like Deus Ex now.

    That's some pretty good special effects, got all that shadow stuff, and doesn't look cgi at all.

    This is why I am not big on first gen virtual reality. We don't need that. We got this.

  8. ymarsakar10:49 AM

    Also these civilian whatever observers need to play more pc games. We all know by that when you see a cool flame on object land in front of you, you run like hell and sprint back into cover 50 meters back.

    Thery don't have the "instincts" so to speak, to get into cover. It's like they did a flinch and realized nobody else is running, so it is ok. No, it Not Ok.

    This is when you use the crowd as a Bear stop.

    These experimental aoe weapons can have deleterious effects beyond 10 or 50m. Better be safe.

  9. ymarsakar11:22 AM

    Also, I have heard that those backing antifa/blm are stealing/staking weapon caches somewhere in the US. When they are ordered to go hot or Full Tet Offensive, the insurgents will be armed with grenades and other heavier weapons.

    At this point ,the crowd and police who have been conditioned to be so close to these events, will be slaughtered, as what they think are molotovs with a range of 2 m or firecrackers with a range sound wise of 5-15 meters, will instead be white phosphorous and other neat little fragmentary grenades wit ha rather large radius.

    You will have cities full of the wounded, and dying. Just before elections, potentially. I see no reason why they would set this all up just to wait until after the gullitine falls one them after 2020. This is very useful for "Destabilization" and "Crisis" leading to a "new world order" that the Cabal thinks they will be the god rulers of.

    Classic terrorist strategies will be put into play. The initial conflict will suck in police forces in riot gear, and crowds of observers. Take them out with aoe grenades and bombs. Lie in ambush with RPGs and other heavier weapons, for when first responders come, detonate the second wave explosives, and just wait for some better military hardwar eto come, or just escape.

    The aim would be primary "voter suppression" just like in Iraq. America could not save Iraq because America had no freedom to give others. But on the other hand, Iraq was the last chance of redemption for America, because if America could stabilize a country using COIN, they would have a chance at stabilizing and saving themselves.

    The Cabal has been targeting and killing veterans from OIF at a very high rate. You notice them as "suicides". But there's a life insurance problem there. Why are there life insurance policies on these suicides, taken by shell corps with no knowledge of the person in question?

    Counter: If these were real, I would have heard it on NBC news.

    Y: No, you would not.

  10. If they come up with heavy weapons, you might get the Fallujah style combat in America.

  11. ymarsakar12:16 PM

    Grim, assuming they survive the white light direct energy weapons that would wipe them out. Nobody's playing around in this war, now that the gloves are off and the invisible becomes the visible.

    If they get a clear shot, and can minimize civilian casualties, the easiest counter to "heavy weapons" are "kinetic strikes" or "orbital bombardments".

  12. ymarsakar12:20 PM

    I rate the info that they have heavy weapon caches to be extremely high. After all, Hussein's regime had 8 years to stockpile these in strange off agencies like Fish and Wild Life. It only takes ONE, hUSSEIN traitor to "lose" a supply train or cache.

    The millions of rounds of JHP, jacketed hollow point, may have been used by Hussein/HRC in a "totalitarian martial law take over", but they can just as easily be given to ISIL/BLM type groups, funded and armed by US traitors.

    This is Ymar's world after all. Where stuff doesn't make sense.

  13. ymarsakar12:31 PM


    During all this, people are walking away from Demoncrats and being red pilled.

    They have to pull the trigger, now, in America. They have no choice. Too many people are getting red pilled and waking up to Ymar's world. There's just too many of them. Even Corona 2020 couldn't even kill half of em. I doubt Corona second wave 2020 will do much better. Depends on if vaccines are adulterated and switched.

  14. ymarsakar3:33 PM


    These foreigners have a better view of events in US, than USA.

    That paparazi hunt them down zeal, is useful here.

    The fact that they were able to track down those GOP politicians, that's some real hunting there. I don't pay attention to politics or American pols, so that's new.

    I also find it ironic some guy blocking Hoover road with one vehicle, got pressured into pleading to terrorism charges, but BLM/ANtifa, actual domestic terrorist organizations, block roads all the time.

    Why the uneven enforcement? because they are all IN ON IT. Whatever that means in conspiracy land. They ARE ALL In on it.

  15. ymarsakar8:37 AM

    I wrote a pretty good intro to Q Anon, and also very funny I thought, in the previous weeks of Monday/Wednesday/Friday posts, but I cannot remember which date it was.

    I summarized most of the information and updated some of the new stuff.

    I know it was before the July 4th thing though, the 2nd or 3rd week of June perhaps. Anyways, it was a time period in which Q Anon wasn't exactly a big trending topic in the news.

    They are strategically important enough that people should get briefed on the movement, and not from reading fake news preferably. That mind control brainwashing is hard to get out.

    The major threat in unconventional warfare was always Mind Control. Once it was developed beyond MK Ultra and Monarch, to the modern applications, things would become much easier to massage and control. Because previously, one had to control power via fake elections, military coup de tats, and other things that are very difficult to control. Now, however, you can destroy a nation from the inside out, by destabilizing it and demoralizing it. Their own people will kill and rape themselves. You don't even need to do anything, as China or the UN. Just sit there and watch and rake in the profits.

    Yes the Russians did this first or at least earlier, but that was because the Bolsheviks were what they were, as exposed by Alexander Solzehnitsyn. Russia was defeated and converted, but Bolshevism... merely was reborn from the ashes. In the cradles of America's kids. How lovely. It's like the story of the cuckoo bird.

    Mind control allows one to destroy a culture by convincing the culture's future, the kids, to kill themselves and each other. Normally this creates a backlash and has the elders killing the kids off, to retain control or improve totalitarian control, which serves many interests. However, in this case, HRC was not President as planned during the Corona 2020 so things went... haywire so to speak. Why did they pull the trigger now of all times, instead of waiting?

    Because the Cabal's time is up and they know it. It's not because of Trump, although he helped. It's because of a Divine Power so to speak.

    America is stuck between two realities or fantasies or illusions. This can be considered mass insanity or mass delusion, but like Tutsis vs genociders, it doesn't matter if people are in an illusion whe nthey are killing you for real. Their illusion then becomes your reality, unfortunately.

    I can see it just by reading twitter for Trump's feed. Half the country thinks Trump is a child molestor and part of Deep State corruption. The other half thinks Trump's enemies are the child molestors and part of DS corruption. Say what?

    Q Anon is the strategic solution to wake Americans up by getting them to connect the thoughts and think critically, something beaten out of them by Leftist public indoctrination. It is not a very pleasant experience, Grim, either way. Followers of Q, literally, and I mean LITERALLY, believe they are fighting child molestors, rapists, that are also rulers, royals, politicians, and bankers. Think about what this kind of mentality means. It is a "do or die" attitude stronger than even the Irish and Scottish clans of legend.

    This is, no joke, a digital army. And one i have been waiting for for some time now. They may not be armed, they may not be ready to shoot to kill, they don't have my knowledge of warfare or hand to hand, but that's beside the point. They have guts and have volunteered. That is enough.

  16. ymarsakar9:02 AM


    Flynn, before gag.

  17. ymarsakar4:20 PM

    Also, i have not forgotten my market predictions for july 27th ish. That graph is starting to look like roller coaster. Every stock is different but tech stochs have had a good run. Too good. Many 401ks are heavy biased in favor of microsoft and apple.

  18. raven9:29 PM

    "LITERALLY, believe they are fighting child molestors, rapists, that are also rulers, royals, politicians, and bankers. "

    Podesta's "art" would leave one to believe it, if the reports are true.
    There is definitely some scuzzy shit going on at the top.

    1. ymarsakar10:33 AM

      the women online are listening to this audio tape of podesta s voice torturing a kid in shower or another undisclosed pizza place.

      Normally women will not rock the boat. In a stable north korea or sweden, women stabilize the power structure as leaders. There are many.

      But this is exactly what triggers the momma bear lifting car thing.

      This is why the alt right youths and demoncrats were not enough to my eyes. Fear of islam is not enough. Hate is not enough. Love is not enough to win a war. All emotions are required to fight evil. Both masculine and feminine.

      I do not know the clip in question but given q 4 chan and dark net, not surprising.

      Also dark net actually did go down. Maybe more than 3 days. Hundreds of pedos arrested canada germany.

      I know because this even affected pirate servers that use dark net tech. April 2020

  19. ymarsakar10:27 AM

    I updated this weeks monday comments for raven. Feel free to ask even more questions.

    On friday today i have several music links to boost morale and restabilize mental fatigue in the war.
