Wait, is a fetus a person again now?

How can it be eugenics if no humans are harmed?


  1. ymarsakar3:19 PM

    It took long enough. I spent a long time haranguing people online about Sanger.

  2. It is kind of nice to see their side have to give up one of their heroes.

  3. I wish I could say it felt "nice", but honestly, it doesn't. At least it's nice to see them have to be held to the same rules they make everyone else play by, though. A small justice.

  4. ymarsakar7:49 AM

    They are going to give up more than that by the end of this year.

    This evil Bhaal child sacrifice and ritual system is only here because the archangels, legions of angels, and representatives of the Godhead, have been instructed by the Godhead and spiritual hierarchy to "allow" it to work its magic.

    When that dispensation is over, it is Over.

  5. ymarsakar8:08 AM

    Something to keep in mind. It takes time and effort for spirit to meld with a human vehicle/avatar/body. Thus for those across the Veil, they know with some certainty whether a pregnancy will be aborted or not.

    This is why the whole argument of whether one saves 10 million zygotes or a child/animal from a fire, is meaningless. It only makes sense to human mortals that have forgotten everything, including that they are tax slaves in a corporate wage system.

    Some spirits hover around the mother before and after conception. Others jump right in near the birth process. Sometimes one gets "changelings", sorta like how Cain was produced or switched. Something about his soul was qualitatively different than Adam or Ab's. Not saying these are actual historical people, but this process repeats itself as families incarnate, sometimes together with evil spirits like in those incest/sexual abuse lineages.

    The System prioritizes free will. That means if humans decide to terminate pregnancies, this is allowed. The spirit world across the Veil, can see this due to not being trapped in linear time. To them, time is just like a video we play on ytube, we can rewind or fast forward or skip ahead. There are sometimes interventions, such as Mary and Joseph, where an angel appears to tell them that their unwedded "pregnancy" is important and should not be terminated or given away.

    There is a certain amount of intervention, as the mother sometimes feels the child's spirit before they are actually born. This may serve as incentive to resist an abortion, but mothers that are too young or powerless, may feel they have no choice. That and sexual traffickers love Planned Profit. All children are alotted pre mortal identities and memories and missions, and those that incarnate by definition have agreed to take those missions on, just as Jeremiah was known and set apart before he was born.

    Humans will seek an automatic source of authority to refute this, such as their scriptures. These messages come through me, directly from the Divine Counsel, the Godhead, even YHVH and Yeshua of Nazareth. They cannot be countermanded by 'scripture', as scripture is merely the words written down of the messengers of god; let alone the corrupted edition of the bible created by false priests and state totalitarian religions which has even lower authority and authenticity. Next after that, would be "science" as a source of authority to refute things. All of such are meaningless. Human intelligence and IQ did not create life nor the celestial bodies nor the foundations of the Earth.

    They still call Divine DNA, "Junk DNA", heh.

    The human parts of translating and delivering the message exists because we have to "translate it". And it is like translating Japanese to English. Stuff gets lost. One translator has a different translation that may contradict another person's translation of the same message. Just like different eye witness acounts in the New Testament. Even in the direct trance ecstasy of "prophesying", this translation issue exists, due to the various Veils and language data base problems. One cannot express a Divine concept into human language, whe nthe language is too corrupt to contain that concept accurately.

    The Godhead wishes human mortals to participate in the co creation of this Creation, which is itself, all it, folding back into the Godhead. There has never been any separation between God and God's creation, between us and them. That was always the illusion of Maya. People had to pretend there was a separation, so that there is free will to choose to be Satan or non Satan, God or not God, mortal or immortal.

    This choice is important for the grand simulation, for reasons that humanity does not understand.
