Well, yeah

From the Examiner:
Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee and a dogged Trump defender, last week told Fox Business: “The No. 1 question I get, whether I'm in the 4th District of Ohio or traveling around our state or traveling around the country, the No. 1 question I get from people is, they will walk up to me and say, 'when is somebody going to jail?'”


  1. Not until the Biden team is in power. Then lots of folks are.

  2. Grim, not sure what you response means. Try not to be so miserly with your words.

  3. ymarsakar3:25 PM

    Opsec is safer given ai bots

  4. I had thought it clear enough. Nightly, major felonies are conducted without consequences in Portland and elsewhere; but for three years, the Mueller team did everything they could to imprison anyone associated with the Trump campaign. Once restored to power, I imagine they will be utterly ruthless and energetic.

  5. I'd like to think it's because they're working up a RICO case against antifa members and leadership, but I'm almost certain that's hoping for too much.
