Witch Hunts, Then and Now

An excellent essay.


  1. ymarsakar9:58 AM

    If there is racism “in the system,” who, precisely, is responsible—both everyone in general and no one in specific?

    Demoncrats since before CW1, and all those that supported them, knowing or not.

    And what constitutes an act of systemic racism?

    margaret Sanger's planned profit purifying the race via abortions and getting rich from selling fetus tissues and spines and organs.

    And yet, those who claim it—like their Salem counterparts—must be believed, per se .

    What world does this person even live in?

    Written By
    Jane Coleman
    Jane Coleman is a legal writer living in New Jersey. A graduate of Stanford Law School

    Oh, one of those. If she lived in Ymar's world, she'd be in a psych ward by now.

  2. ymarsakar10:04 AM

    The fate of Giles Corey—neither tried nor convicted of witchcraft—drives the point home. Unlike the other 19 victims who were sentenced to death by hanging, Giles Corey refused to even go to trial. For this act of defiance, he suffered an extraordinary punishment—peine forte et dure. Even as he lay dying under the stones they piled on his chest, he refused to bow to the court’s authority. This posed the greatest threat of all: “contempt of court.”

    One of my brothers. They killed 20, and out of them, only this one was an actual enemy.

    The god the Salem enforcers followed and the god of Giles Corey... aren't the same god.

    Here are some basic questions on a security interview.

    Do you hear voices?

    Do you see visual hallucinations at times?

    Prophets and seers: ? Aren't we supposed to do all that to be worthy of our station?

    AUTHORITY: We FOUND THEM, git em, go K9.

    The bible is full of people who hear voices and saw stuff.

  3. ymarsakar10:10 AM

    Socrates, Yeshua, they are all of this kind of "don't give two cents about human court authorities".

    They all obeyed their internal Daemon, the internal voice and guidance, what they called the Father/muse.

    They all tended to die in interesting fashions as well.

    Jean De Arc, Joan of Arc, one of the strangest but also most powerful testimonies of God Power in Western history. She fought on the front lines and out sparred knight veterans 3 decades her senior in experience and Warcraft. Was wounded, kept on fighting. Went up a siege ladder, then fell down, then got back up. In full plate armor. The French powers that be could only get rid of her by conspiring to get her captured by the English. The English then burned her alive for witch whatever.

    This is why humanity is enslaved under the dark gods. Humans Obey Authority, and this Authority is not the Divine Godhead mentioned in your scriptures, but more like a Satanic "lord of the air" called Bhaal.

    Sooner or later, the Divine Sons and Daughters of the Godhead will no longer allow mortals to kill them. They will say, enough is enough.
