He's had it

The CEO of Red Bull GmbH just gave all of his woke executives their walking papers over their pushing a BLM agenda during the last month. The how-DARE-you reports speak darkly of his Austrian headquarters and Trump support, his skepticism about German immigration policy, and his Scrooge-McDuck ownership of an island off Fiji, so I thought I should look up his Wiki to find out how evil Dietrich Mateschitz really is. The Wiki page as of 10 a.m. July 21 was pretty benign. There aren't even any Nazi tie-ins yet, but I predict that by 2 p.m. it will contain a lot of new and scandalous entries. In the meantime, besides the information that Mateschitz bought his island from the Forbes family for a mere seven million pounds--which everyone who watches the island-acquisition TV shows knows is chicken feed--there is the interesting fact that he owns a custom submarine for the use of his island guests. How many anti-woke world-dominating billionaire moguls can go full Captain Nemo? All he needs now is a volcano and a nuclear arsenal.


  1. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Good for him! I'm tired of watching companies and groups succumb to threats and blackmail.


  2. ymarsakar3:03 PM

    More Purging of Humanity needed!

    Actually if you drink too much red bull, it purges the digestive tract. I suspect it is also good as a cleaner, like coca cola.

  3. ymarsakar3:08 PM

    This revolver news is kind of iffy or counter counter revolutionary.


    The R in revolution heh

  4. I was wrong. So far the Wikilords are asleep at the switch.

  5. ymarsakar7:50 AM

    They can't spell his name, and most are still focus firing Flynn, Trump, Goya, and Q Anon.

  6. He's Austrian. Off the playing field and of no tactical value.
