Inevitable: Resolution to Ban the Democratic Party

If the Republicans had left it alone, the Democrats would have gotten there themselves

Enjoy your “Washington Football Team,” by the way. 


  1. ymarsakar1:55 AM

    This is Republicans doing to the Left, what the Left does to others. A sorta of fire vs fire or poison vs poison strategy.

    This is holding the Left to their own tactics.

    A sort of mutually assured destruction balance of power.

    Dan Bongino was talking about this a few days ago. If the Left thinks X tactic works great, then how about we use X tactic and make them feel the pain to the point where they rethink using X tactic. Sorta like punishing the use of human shields in war.

  2. Enjoy your “Washington Football Team,” by the way.

    I swore off the NFL when the league, from top management on down to the players swore off respect for our flag, our national anthem, and the generations of Americans who've fought, died, been maimed defending our nation, those symbols of it, and the basic principle (among others) that those...persons...of the league are allowed to say and do stupid and/or disrespectful things.

    Eric Hines

  3. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I sort of like "The Washington Swamp Rats."


  4. Mr. Hines, me too, and now you can add MLB to the list. I'm hoping NHL manages to steer clear of this nonsense.

    This was a brilliant move by Gohmert. Bravo. More like this.

  5. I am old enough to remember when President Bush's son, George W, helped put together the deal to build a new baseball venue, between Dallas and Fort Worth. There were a number of investors, but none, by opening day, had purchased "naming rights". And the Shrub allowed as how since (a slight majority of) voters in Arlington had supported the deal and idea with local tax dollars, a simple and descriptive name for the new place should be, and was:

    "The Ballpark in Arlington."

    One of the high moments in the career of a famous man's son.

    The name was sold off, here recently. "Glob eLife Park", or some such.

  6. Douglas, the NBA is on my list, too, over their--again top to bottom--preference for their personal pocketbooks over the citizens of Hong Kong.

    MLB has gone unsupported by me for decades--since the players' woe is me strike and the owners' craven surrender.

    Eric Hines

  7. ymarsakar11:54 PM

    I find it nice that Americans are fasting from sports. It was always a subject I found difficult to evangelize about, given classical liberty constraints.

    Sports are the mind control games used to control and subdue the population. They take away so much time and energy that could be put into spiritual advancements. Playing sports is itself an advancement yes... but watching is sorta like watching people accomplish things. It is a vicarious vampirism and not good for a society's future health.
