Where is the Order of Chivalry?

The Church established several orders of knighthood to protect churches and shrines, pilgrims and congregations. Now it blanches to employ them. 


  1. Looking around at the various orders that had traditionally been protectors of the faith, I came across this, which I think explains it all- "Battles are no longer with the sword; the modern battle is fought in the struggle against disease, poverty, exclusion and intolerance, by promoting and defending the faith."

  2. And what is truly lacking, I suspect, is a wealthy patron, as would have been present in the days when kings and the church were interlinked.
    Anyone could join the Ordo Militaris, but there are significant costs (even with the discounts available).

  3. ymarsakar8:39 PM

    Hema is busy improving themselves.

    Each organization absent state backing, cannot deploy paramilitaries.

    This is not the church of rome propping up nobles aristos and nations any more.

  4. ymarsakar8:48 PM

    the church of rome is in a funny place. Their org used to hunt down and kill the saints of the godhead. Now a days the internal pedo vatican insiders do a different sort of italian hunting. A dirty laundry of iyaly is that they sold women slaves to the caliphate.

    The point is that the church of rome has many karma debt they have to pay off to many factions they have de polarized. This leaves a billion plus catholic universal church members in a kind of lurch.

    Fatima has already given visions of the last pope being executed.

    For a time, the church of rome was de facto the most powerful human esoteric org, that could use magic. Now a days they have lost to the cabal, lucifer worshippers , and tech.

    Most churches will reform but the k debt darkness of the roman church is too much.

  5. It turns out that the modern battle is still actually with the sword.

  6. I mean that other stuff is nice too, but there are other religious orders for that. God sent knights to defend the faithful. Luke 22:36.

  7. ymarsakar10:12 AM

    Most of the riots can be suppressed with swords. Least common denominator, staffs. No training needed.

    Once heavier or light arms with range comes in, melee is still good at cqb but loses range dominance.

    Sound weapons are best. Antifa also stole my firecracker concept just like nike shoes. But they did not get the ied mods haha

  8. ymarsakar10:16 AM

    also the symbol of the nazarene was pisces, two fish as love. Not a cross as the cross was usually a roman stake, one line.

    Just a few things differentiating the line of jesus and the line of rome.
