Ymar’s Post

Ok, you said you wanted to talk about aliens. Apparently today is the day


  1. What I want to hear about, or even better see, are the radar images that go with these sightings. Were these visual sightings also visible to aircraft radar (in the case of fighters with appropriate radar capabilities) or to ground radar in the area? How about lookdown radar images from AWACS planes, which frequently operate over the US?

    If there are visual sightings *without* radar images, that is also interesting.

  2. ymarsakar4:48 PM

    I have seen no aliens? Did something happen today? You know how trump is. He is dribbling out roswell stuff due to election. Although i do not know how popular that can be. Podesta clintons have all tried to crack this. Military industrial complex likely got together and said no to demoncrats. Those aliens are demon enough after all.

    Counter q: is y an alien?

    Y: nope.

    Foster, there have been both. Radar with visual and no radar with visual. I remember a good link about air traffick picking up x and scrambling military interceptors in usa.

    For now, the morale music. https://youtu.be/eSMeUPFjQHc


  3. ymarsakar4:58 PM

    Ah the new york times. Didn t i say they were doing a piece on ufo stuff soon? Ufo communities leaked it. I also mentioned marc rubio. Nytimes, you old news, plus fake news.

    Sighs, how am i going to deal with this? Do you readers want the story behind nytimes drip drip? Or the story behind eliz? Or what ds allows this for? Or the dark militarys pov ds alliance?

    Or the real true story?

  4. ymarsakar6:32 PM


    Ufos trending in twitter politics.

    Well, it worked. Nytimes was ordered or rather allowed to print this story. Because that gets the whole nation into 100th monkey m9de.

    This de sensitizes public. The story will be focused on john titor 2 time travellers from future.

    They kept it secret to prevent paradoxes. They have advanced tech.

    That will be the next story.

    I do not need to read the news. I can write it atm.

  5. ymarsakar11:13 PM

    Keyboard time.

    Eli is part of a team called To the Stars Academy. The leader is a former rock band player. Check out his story on ytube, it is quite fascinating. In other words, the Air Force has decided to do a limited disclosure or "limited hang out". By that, I mean hanging out your dirty laundry for everyone to see. But this is not hanging everything out. Just a little bit.

    So far as I know, Eli's credentials check out, as the Air Force themselves authorized this project and the guns on it.

    When I wrote that the F 35 is obsolete technology and in fact isn't even the cutting edge as they say it is, it was with the knowledge that significant technology had been obtained in crash retrieval teams and reverse engineered. And it was more than just one crash. The two primary crashes were Roswell and the Air Raid on Los Angeles in WW2 by several drones that were crashed (on purpose) to give a technological "first free bite" to nations.

    This technology was backwards engineered into the Tr3b run by the Air Force and certain military industrial complex circles.

    So basically it is another government conspiracy. Nothing new here. They were hiding stuff and afte awhile, it was like riding the tiger. Then military peeps got guilty and wanted some atonement.

    Sources say their sources say that the President has been briefed that Roswell was not aliens but time travelers, aka John Titor II.

    This may or may not touch upon the 4th Reich in Antarca.

    Counter: That is fing crazy.

    Y: I know, I know. It's just how it is, stay with me, it's gonna be ok.

    So basically due to the Cabal getting replaced in the Deep State by another faction in the Deep State (hah, how Byzantine), Trump is put into a situation where the first US President is now "allowed" to disclose, if only in a limited fashion. A limited hanging out of the dirty laundry. Nothing too crazy or treasonous, just you know, technology we got from... somebody, who they assure us, they have more than enough power to "take care of" for us. Haha. Yeah right. They are in over their heads, and now they know it. Their ancestors were in over their heads as well. Just so people understand, the 3rd Reich Germans were experimenting with this type of EM drive technology since before WW2. Just let that sink in for a bit. Where did they get those ideas and technology from?

    So, theoretically, the US government has had "advanced tech" from "crash retrieval" reverse engineering teams since... WW2 or before.

    Now that's a head scratcher, isn't it.

    So all this, the US government or the Deep State, has held this technological Sword of Damocles over people's head? Yes. And people were fooled into believing the cover stories? Yes. And people thought the tin foil hat conspiracy guys were the loonies? Yes. As planned.

    So yea, that's the briefing short style. If you want the long one, that's going to have to wait until the Apocalypse/Revelation/Disclosure event. That or someone asks me a question and this opens a gateway.

  6. ymarsakar11:15 PM

    Even though this is "Ymar world" stuff, it is still surreal for me to experience. I mean, yes, I get intel, but some of it does not pan out, like David Wilcock (haha, he likes to speculate a little too much). So when it goes this well planned... it's an obvious pattern.

    I mean, just look at the limited info the NYTimes gave you all. Someone from the Advanced whatever aerial threat project, tells you the project wasn't really canceled or that they had a lot of success before it was canceled retrieving stuff and goodies. I mean, even a Demoncrat can process that low IQ "disclosure" message.

    The masses are being "massaged" by a cover story, as usual. But they will eat it up, since after all, alien invasion 2020 right? People have been seeing that meme. On purpose? Heh.

  7. ymarsakar11:18 PM

    As for where this advanced tech is supposed to be... well, let's check the public Navy patents. Hello, The Drive.


    The Navy? Space Force? Space Navy? Solar Warden?


  8. ymarsakar10:58 PM


    non alien related. First it was Yuri Bezmenov, now another Slavic sounding accent, this time a woman ,tries to warn America.
