The Issue of the Day: Anarchists and Police Reform

Ah, the Russians again. It's almost nostalgic, especially since once again there are no actual Russians.
“I’m not reading the intelligence today, or these days — but based on my experience, this is right out of the Russian playbook,” Rice, who served as national-security adviser to president Obama, said in a CNN interview on Sunday. “But we cannot allow the extremists, the foreign actors, to distract from the real problems we have in this country that are longstanding, centuries old, and need to be addressed responsibly.”
These aren't 'little green men.' They're organizations that have been gathering loose armies of indoctrinated college kids for decades, and training them to think and act like Communists. Most of these people are not foreigners, although some of the funding for this (again, loose) network may be from abroad.

They're not less dangerous for being loose; the IRA was organized loosely in cells, just because it made them nearly impossible to finally break. You could shut down a cell, maybe get at two others connected to the one you broke, but there were always more.

I do take the point that there are serious issues in need of real reform, especially in terms of the relationship of the police to the community. I've written about that often, but here is a post that gets (in a calm and non-aggressive way) at what I think is the heart of the problem. Here is another post aimed at anarchists who want to protect marginalized communities. Here is a proposal for replacing professional police with volunteer citizen units. Here is a piece on why professional police tend to be non-accountable to the public more than armed volunteers.


  1. ymarsakar9:17 AM

    I am quite happy. Humanity is about to make a leap in progress... if they can survive against the AI/NPC/Zombie hordes.

    Podesta was involved with Tom Delonge's To the Stars Academy, which had several high level military ex staff that was involved in various black ops secret access level Air Force space technologies. Tr3b style. Podesta was told the Nazis of Antarctica were neutralized, and that Russians might be behind threats to US supremacy space. Podesta probably leaked this to Clinton. This is why Clinton talked about Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. She was trying to unlock the "UFO files" they didn't have clearance for. And UFO would by necessity be built by Wright Patterson AFB and other military industrial companies.

    What they didn't know was that the AIr Force was passing along misinformation or disinformation, due to compartmentalization. The blind leading the blind.

  2. Not the Russians, but definitely out of the Russian playbook, which anyone can learn and many are willing to implement.

  3. ymarsakar5:56 PM

    There's some talk on twitter that Antifa has foreign agents and funding. Which may be Russian? Projection?


  4. "Real problems, centuries old." Did I miss something? Did slavery start up again during the lockdown?
