Armed Voluntold

You should probably be prepared to hear this.

If the police dispatcher tells you "Do what you have to do," what are you prepared to do? You're a citizen. You have the right to keep and bear arms, and a duty to protect the common peace and to uphold the republic.

Some of you took oaths to the Constitution, but probably all of you said the Pledge of Allegiance at some time in your life. Did you mean it?


  1. ymarsakar10:26 AM

    They are burning institutions down so well, they just burned Anti fascist, because Trum just put them on the terrorist list, yesterday.

    That is some good burning, if I may say so myself.

    The more the dark lashes back, the more their darkness is exposed to the light. And it is painful to those resisting waking up out of this Matrix.

  2. ...but probably all of you said the Pledge of Allegiance at some time in your life. Did you mean it?

    As Congressman Alan West--now a proud Texan and recovering from a motorcycle accident--once said, "an oath doesn't have an expiration." He was talking about his oath of commissioning as an Army officer, but it applies to all oaths. Including the Pledge of Allegiance.

    The only out on that last--and it's a narrow out--is that children can only rarely be held responsible for what they say. And in my grade schools, the teachers just had us say the words; there was no instruction regarding their meaning. In my case, I was fortunate to have a WWII Navy vet for a father.

    Eric Hines

  3. ymarsakar4:49 PM

    They pledged allegiance to a flag and what it stood for. And if the flag stood not for the people but the Deep State?

    Time to cancel those slave oaths, humans.

    An oath, like a prayer, must come from the heart. Not from mimicking human Authorities, that don't last more than an eye drop in the face of the Divine.

  4. The oath was to the Constitution. What if it turns out the Constitutional order cannot be recovered? There remains reference to the transcendent, universal principles of the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution was only an iteration of our attempts to realize those principles, and not even the first iteration.

    1. Ymar Sakar12:41 AM

      Was this a different pledge you were thinking? Oaths of office have domestic and foreign enemies, which is better but still rote and as an oath it is problematic. Because traitors are not always enemies of the state. Benedict arnold had his own interpretation of loyalty.

      As for god, which god? The oath does not clarify. Which means any dark god can sustain themselves with that oath as energy. A problem.

  5. The oath need not clarify. The referent of “God” is clear. As Avicenna proved, there can be only one.

  6. This has been building up anger in me the whole time, and I was little concerned to see the market down the way boarding up, because I know that the guys that work there are old school in the neighborhood (it's gentrified in the last couple decades), and heave ears in the right places. I figured that neighborhood would be protected, ironically enough, by the local gangbangers, who will not tolerate those antifa losers doing anything- You can see some of that in another neighborhood in East L.A. here.
    Seeing the video of David Dorn dying just broke the dam- all the stress and anger at all of this and the lack of action to maintain order by the authorities. But I guess it's calls like that, and videos like this that people need to see to wake themselves from this mass-hypnosis of intersectional leftism.
    I don't know it'll be enough.

    Time to get away from the news and twitter and sit by the fire out back for a while, I think.

  7. I'm beginning to think that, at least in the blue parts of America, there is some danger to the government from making organized crime the citizens' best hope. The government is not only not doing its job, it is actively preventing the job from being done and arresting citizens who try to do it. That was the early lesson of Goodfellas, that people went to the mob because they couldn't go to the police (or because it was pointless to go to them, as The Godfather also says).

    Just for an example, recently the Hells Angels moved their long-time headquarters in New York out to the Bronx, to a neighborhood called Throggs Neck. Checking the news I see some indication of a couple of heists carried out during the last week -- a deli was robbed, and a jewelry store was attempted to be robbed -- but no sign of rampant lawlessness.

    There are substantial downsides to organized crime. As with Prohibition, though, sometimes the government just isn't smart enough not to create it as an attractive option. These blue states/cities are making it look good, because the police won't protect you and will come after you if you protect yourself and then report it.
