No Help from Police in Raleigh

At the capital of my new home state, the police chief says that she will not put an officer in harm's way to protect your property from destruction. We have to understand, she says, that it's not just law enforcement that is racist: it's the whole society. The police chief is in favor of group punishment of Americans for our collective sins.

North Carolina law currently does not allow for the use of lethal force to protect property, either, so citizens protecting their own businesses are putting themselves in grave legal peril. For the moment, at least: I expect that after the election we may well have some new laws on that subject. Also, you might have trouble finding a jury to convict someone for protecting their businesses after the police chief formally disavowed any duty to (or interest in) such protection.


  1. ymarsakar10:23 AM

    Stand down. Let them die.

    And it burns. You see that burning? It's pretty good burning... but even still, not Enough. It is Not ENough to wake up humanity to this Matrix.

    People will require more encouragement and even more suffering in 2020, before they release their karma debt and hidden chains of slavery.

    This is not entirely my choice to make, as I am merely the messenger and observer of the Divine Counsel. Humanity at large, even the AIs, determine how much suffering is Enough. Wake up or suffer. Simple.

  2. ymarsakar10:24 AM

    After the election you write... but are you certain there even will be an election or that the results will be known in 2020?

    I seriously doubt that.

  3. I have seen it written many times that the police are basically there to protect the criminals in a society trying to be civilised, because the instincts of the populace would turn to impulsively stringing them up. Most of me hopes that overriding that never happens. Part of me wonders whether a little bit of it would do some good.

    1. Ymar Sakar10:12 PM

      That is actually something i floated to grim here. That prisons are to protect crims from me.

  4. I fail to see how, if you shot a looter who'd broken into a store you were inside of, anyone could say you didn't feel in danger for your life (so long as you shot them in the front).
    But I could be wrong.
