
ANTIFA desecrated their own memorial, or something.


  1. ymarsakar7:10 AM

    So our bet, Grim, I recall, was by 31st of May or 11:59 pm before June 1st, if no Fallujah "like" event happened in an American city, etc etc.

    I wanted to focus down on the terms, because I knew what I was gunning for and it was going to be vague or confusing for the news to report on it.

    But we didn't get there, but that's ok. These series of incidents weren't what I was thinking about, but they do look similar.

    And as you didn't want a witness/adjudicator/mediator/witness, you can just take on the role yourself as the Host.

  2. OK. So all I want as a forfeit is this: I'd like you to collect your commentary on the divine / bloodlines / fate / prophecy / the Cabal / etc. into a single post every day. In fact I'll be happy to set one up for you. You can still convey everything you want, but just keep it in the comments section of that one post. I promise I'll read it, I just want to concentrate the feed so that it's all together and not spread across everything else.

  3. ymarsakar6:00 PM

    Interesting. I had a reading you wanted something like that, although you didn't need a bet. You are well within the terms of peace to ask and be granted this minor adjustment.

    I can collate and compile most of my comments a day, together at my blog post. You can then choose what to do with that on your end.

    If you want to create a more direct method, that would be up to you.

  4. I realize that I have power and authority to do many things here, but I prefer it this way. A good host should rarely try to exercise power over guests. I don’t want to stop you from talking to me about these things. I just want to be able to concentrate it, so that the Hall can have other kinds of discussions too. I think everyone will be more comfortable.

    We can start tomorrow.

  5. Ymar Sakar9:47 PM

    I seriously doubt people will get that comfortable. People usually find it unsettling that their emotions and intent can be read, even if they hide it with polite words and poker face online.

    I was wondering what kind of request you felt was useful 30 days ago. The answer i got was vague. Something to do with too many comments. The why is not answered as that begins violating free will and privacy.

    But emotions, i see those very clearly esp when directed towards me or if very positive or negative.

    This more than anything, freaks people out. And if i was wrong even a few times, it would be easy for them to call me out on it. But they use different topics instead. Because they thought they had hidden it well. Normally yes.

  6. Ymar Sakar10:16 PM

    I think i will take a single dedicated post here. Easier logistics. Although i can send you direct messages if you used twitter. I suppose not.
