Book Update

I received a proof today of the second attempt at getting a paperback version of Arms and White Samite.  Thanks to Douglas' help, and the patience of the cover artist, most of the problems are fixed.  There remain a few persistent issues that will require more work and another proof, but in a few weeks we might have a final version.

It is already much better, though.  It's just not right.


  1. It is like coding sir. Beat it, mold it, catch the strays, review, repeat, have someone else review and pour cold water all over the joy you were feeling because you thought you were done. Repeat that whole cycle again. Eventually, it matches your vision.
    I'm enjoying the kindle version, it is a good story.

  2. Very good. We in the design world know that it's all about revision, revision, revision. I wouldn't make much money if it was any easier than that.

  3. I'm gratified, Russ, that you are enjoying the story. I'll keep after it.

  4. ymarsakar8:37 AM

    This is a good example of Service to Other polarity.

    Otherwise known as grassroots, bottom up, helping each other, without the intent of profit or benefits.

    Well, maybe people can work on the last part for awhile. THey have plenty of time after 2021.

    Human DNA goes through revisions much like this book. The mistakes are not a "punishment" sent by the author, as many religions somehow convinced themselves to believe their god sent punishment down from high.
