
A long time ago, now. Few of us remember even the story. What became of that America?


  1. ymarsakar7:02 AM

    Eisenhower surrendered as President to the German anhernebe factions, due to lack of power.

    Sounds like an alternate reality? Perhaps.

    It would explain why America ended up the land of enforced sterilization and Clowns in Action mind control programs de classified and still classified.

    America had its problems, but the rise and fall really began in the 20th century, heralded by WW1 and WW2.

    Take this Corona whatever event. Now space it apart for a nation from a year to an entire century. That was 1900-1999 America.

    They have done it before but it had better effects.

  2. ymarsakar7:07 AM

    In 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court decided, by a vote of 8 to 1, to uphold a state's right to forcibly sterilize a person considered unfit to procreate. The case, known as Buck v. Bell, centered on a young woman named Carrie Buck, whom the state of Virginia had deemed to be "feebleminded."

    Author Adam Cohen tells Fresh Air's Terry Gross that Buck v. Bell was considered a victory for America's eugenics movement, an early 20th century school of thought that emphasized biological determinism and actively sought to "breed out" traits that were considered undesirable.

    "There were all kinds of categories of people who were deemed to be unfit [to procreate]," Cohen says. "The eugenicists looked at evolution and survival of the fittest, as Darwin was describing it, and they believed 'We can help nature along, if we just plan who reproduces and who doesn't reproduce.' "

    All told, as many as 70,000 Americans were forcibly sterilized during the 20th century. The victims of state-mandated sterilization included people like Buck who had been labeled "mentally deficient," as well as those who who were deaf, blind and diseased. Minorities, poor people and "promiscuous" women were often targeted.
    NPR org

    I think NPR forgot to wipe this part of history, since it also implicates Sanger and Planned Profit.

    They need to do a better job of rewriting history, how can the Cabal rule humanity if they let stuff like this leak and I piece it together?

    As World War II was entering its final stages, American and British organizations teamed up to scour occupied Germany for as much military, scientific and technological development research as they could uncover.

    Trailing behind Allied combat troops, groups such as the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS) began confiscating war-related documents and materials and interrogating scientists as German research facilities were seized by Allied forces. One enlightening discovery—recovered from a toilet at Bonn University—was the Osenberg List: a catalogue of scientists and engineers that had been put to work for the Third Reich.

    Operation Paperclip scientists
    Wernher von Braun (center) in 1961 with fellow Operation Paperclip scientists working on a Saturn rocket.

    Donaldson Collection/Getty Images

    In a covert affair originally dubbed Operation Overcast but later renamed Operation Paperclip, roughly 1,600 of these German scientists (along with their families) were brought to the United States to work on America’s behalf during the Cold War. The program was run by the newly-formed Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), whose goal was to harness German intellectual resources to help develop America’s arsenal of rockets and other biological and chemical weapons, and to ensure such coveted information did not fall into the hands of the Soviet Union.

    It seems if I keep poking Humanity Online, they will stop rewriting their textbooks with 1984 instructions.

  3. ymarsakar7:17 AM


    America has to fall and be humbled, for the Regeneration of humanity begins here.

    If people had made difference choices, perhaps they would have gotten a different future. But this one is still one of the best possible worlds.

    Counter: How is this one of the best?

    Y: Well, the Divine Fire has not arrived yet, has it...

  4. ymarsakar7:27 AM


    Trump tweeted this https://twitter.com/GreggJarrett/status/1268994582588674054?s=20

    Q Anon is not one of my "sources", human nor Divine. Q is almost like my counter part, except it or they are working rather closely with the US Administration or some secret clique in it. However, many of your AMerican compatriots, Grim, and even those world wide, Believe in Q who is anonymous. A world religion in the making? That is what the fake news implies. Well, I don't see fake news.

    If Q says something and Ymar also confirms, then people have a problem. Because a single Ymar was bad and weird enough.

    THere wre rumors and talk about sealed indictments and mass arrests. Trump seems to be prepping it as well. But I will believe it when I see it... or rather, I will see it when I make it believable.

  5. ymarsakar7:33 AM


    The main sewer fake news have been given their narrative orders, as usual. Strange, why are they over reacting like that? It's like the New York Times putting out a full page ad against Ymarsakar.... it would be, frankly, insane.

    If it has reached this mass criticality that even the sewer can't cover it all up... then it would be massive, would it not.

  6. C S Lewis said something along the lines of: If you want to destroy an infantry unit, you cut it off from its adjacent units. If you want to destroy a generation, you cut it off from earlier generations. (very approximate quote)

    The people who were supposed to have been the custodians of historical memory and rational thinking have been perhaps the greatest betrayers of these things.

  7. Anonymous2:05 PM

    What happened? Amerika elected a Nazi sympathizer as President - a long slow process of betraying those who fought WW2. And this hall would continue this betrayal apace in the next election. Even Saruman would be shame-faced.


    1. Thos.3:09 PM

      He's not a Nazi sympathizer just because you are willing to lie and call him one. No one here is going to be fooled by your blather.

      I submit that what happened was that people like this fiend (bc) took the lessons of D-Day to heart - namely, that a nation and people willing to sacrifice for honor and freedom is a beacon of hope in a fallen world. The Devil's children, cannot abide decency and will always strive to pull it down.

  8. raven.3:53 PM

    June 6th and December 7th were always noted in my Fathers house, and are always remembered in mine. By 1944 my uncle was KIA.

  9. It's a shame that it will be barely remembered this year, overshadowed by recent events and the actions of so-called 'antifascists'.

    The few veterans left will be disappointed to see that, I suspect.

    Also, call me crazy, but five long comments in sequence seems almost like a full post.

  10. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Ah yes the few veterans left will be disappointed to see citizens exercising their right to protest Gestapo tactics. Or maybe the opposite is true? Your embrace of using brown I mean blue shirts as instruments of terror is telling.


  11. Scroll down a few posts and you’ll see quite a bit about police reform.

    It’s a funny thing, the left. On any ordinary day Truman is a monster for nuking Japan; and FDR was horrible for interning the Japanese Americans in the West; and Marines were bloodthirsty monsters for beheading the Japanese soldiers and sending their skulls home as trophies; and Allied Bomber Command committed war crimes by targeting civilian housing; and the US Army was intolerable for its racism, which the Tuskegee Airmen nobly used as a spur to greater performance; and the firebombing of Tokyo and Dresden are unforgettable crimes.

    But today, gosh, those monstrous war criminals are your chosen ancestors, and it’s a betrayal of their values that we don’t all agree to vote as you’d prefer.

    We’re listening to you lot. Clearly you’re not listening to us. Feel free to move on, though, if you find the company unpleasant. I certainly don’t need you for anything.

  12. Ymar Sakar8:39 PM

    Blogger has that 4069 x limit.

  13. Here’s an easy link if you’re interested in police reform and don’t want to scroll. I would be ok with disbanding professional police in say 99% of America, geographically. We could do with volunteers very well, as we have volunteer fire departments in most of the country. They’d be more accountable too.


  14. Ymar Sakar9:19 PM

    Also i have detected no fiends here. Of there were devil humans here, i would be one of the first to know.

    Bc likely thinks trump is going full totalitarian. I told conservatives that if they elect t, that t can go full dictator and nothing can stop him. Y intuition. The reply was, the media will stop trump. And i was like.... what the, the media? Lol at 2015 from 2020.

    Talking about op paperclip, my topic here, would go a long way to figuring out america s problem. But it iss not yet so.
