Right to Peaceful Protest

It’s too important to be limited by virus mitigation, but only if the cause is good enough. Don’t take my word for that; here are nearly thirteen hundred public health experts asserting it.

“Money quote: ‘This should not be confused with a permissive stance on all gatherings, particularly protests against stay-home orders. Those actions not only oppose public health interventions, but are also rooted in white nationalism and run contrary to respect for Black lives.’”


  1. The demand for racism is exceeding the supply again. White nationalism? Where has that been in evidence this year?

  2. ymarsakar6:56 AM

    They used to be able to do these thesis, anti thesis, operations very successfully. For some reason in 2020, when they try, it blows back on them. Every operation creates a backlash that wakes more people up. And billions need to awaken.

    Corona ends up disengaging US pop from WHO, rather than creating a new world order of normal obedience.

    Riots end up demonstrating Demoncrat governor and police problems, rather than Republican problems.

    THese techniques used to work very well on Americans.

    Gulf of Tonkin, false flag fake attack, that manipulates an entire nation into war.

  3. I like to think that the long-term effect of this kind of statements is to make their voices unheard, tuned out. There was skepticism waiting to break out even when the case numbers were scary. At this point, I'm just waiting to see if numbers lurch upwards in locations where people thought it was a good idea to riot. If they do, the next step presumably is to blame the case rate on President Trump.


    Rasmussen claims his black approval rate is up to 40%. If true, that would be interesting. The idiots who run Twitter might set themselves on fire.

  4. black approval rate

    ........amid LIKELY VOTERS.......which is phenomenal.

  5. If true, it's probably because they are the ones who suffer most when crime runs rampant, and he's just about the only one speaking as if he wants to maintain order- even the R governors are mostly just trying to *contain* it, and let it run it's course, as they see it. Like a temper tantrum of a child, but little children don't cause as much damage.

    It's also hilarious the people I see defending this because it's logically consistent, as if their givens weren't the problem.
