Happy "Vet Girls" RISE Day!

Actually, apparently it was yesterday.  I only heard about it today because of some very angry female veterans I know who don't much like the name.
On February 19, National Vet Girls RISE Day recognizes the immense dedication of the nearly 2 million U.S. veteran women.

On National Vet Girls RISE Day, not only is it a day to recognize women veterans, but it’s a day for women veterans to support one another and to share resources, build relationships and spread awareness concerning the needs of women veterans.
To me the weirdest thing about the name is the completely unexplained all-caps "RISE." Is that an acronym? If so, for what? If not, what's it doing there?

But it's definitely the "Vet Girls" thing that bugs the, uh, ladies.


  1. Women find different things important. Apparently, female veterans find different things important as well, though they are somewhat closer to the male vet view that is considered "military normal." I guess we shouldn't be surprised.

    There is also the possibility that this is an unrepresentative sample of female vets. Which is fine. They still get to have their POV and organise in whatever way they like. There may be pink flag raised about how much they speak for others. Which is a fair suspicion in traditional male-dominated vet groups as well. Everyone gets a turn at the microphone, but people should be very cautious about speaking for others.

  2. Acronym Finder offers Respect, Integrity, Service, Excellence, which seems plausible, but I have no idea whether it's close to what Vet Girls RISE intends.

    On the other hand, a lot of outlets refer to the day as Vet Girls Rise.

    Eric Hines
