Yeah, Sure

"Russia backs Trump's re-election, according to classified briefing to lawmakers."

Yeah, I'm sure they definitely want four more years of Trump bankrupting their energy industry, when they could have any of the Democrats shut down fracking and oil exports. Probably they're excited to re-elect the guy who gave Ukraine Javelin missiles to foil their tanks, too. No doubt that's exactly what those clever Russians are banking on getting themselves more of this year.


  1. Maybe they think they have more or a chance to do a deal with Trump than they do with Sanders, who's an inflexible ideologue.

    Eric Hines

  2. Don't forget him letting the dogs loose on the Russian contractors at Deir Ezzor. I mean, I'm sure Putin was all for having a couple hundred or so of his citizens killed and wounding a bunch more.

  3. Unless most officials in the Russian government have come down with Russia-Must-Atone-For-A-Past-Of-Pure-Evil syndrome, I call fabrication.

  4. Can't they get any new material?

    Though if you look at Hollywood, making movies out of 1960s comic books or 1980s TV shows does seem to be the rage so I suppose this fits.

  5. Meh. The Russians know it looks bad for Trump to have Russian support, so they make it look like they support him in order to hurt him.

  6. The fanatical focus on Russia, Russia, Russia serves to distract attention from all the prominent people and institutions in this country who have questionable or worse connections to the Chinese government and its entities.

  7. Speaking of Russians...I'm currently watching a weird but interesting Norwegian series called 'Occupied.' The premise is that Norway elects an environmentalist prime minister who wants to shut down *all* Norwegian oil & gas production. Unlike most real-life environmentalists, though, he is a strong supporter of nuclear, specifically thorium reactors.

    The EU is very upset at the impending shutoff of their oil and gas, and they are not comported by the PM's assurance that they can get cheap electricity from thorium reactors. At the EU's behest, Russia forces Norway to restart the oil and gas production. It hasn't been explained *why* Russia would want to do would think they'd be thrilled, because the shutoff would raise the value of their oil/gas exports...maybe they just don't like the precedent for moving everything to nuclear.

    Actually, pretty well done, although some of the assumptions about energy are ridiculous. Available on Netflex.

  8. Though if you look at Hollywood, making movies out of 1960s comic books....

    Hey, I liked The CW's Arrow.

    The Russians know it looks bad for Trump to have Russian support, so they make it look like they support him in order to hurt him.

    I think the likelier scene is their sowing general FUD in our democracy by appearing to help a likely winner (they could have played either way in 2016), into which the Progressive-Democrats are actively throwing their hats, useful idiots that they are.

    The fanatical focus on Russia, Russia, Russia serves to distract attention from all the prominent people and institutions in this country....

    It's also an Alinsky-esque change of subject away from Obama promising Putin more flexibility once he, Obama, didn't have to worry about unworthy voters, followed by Obama's deliberately sitting on knowledge of Russian interference for months, until his timed reveal later.

    Eric Hines

  9. I think the likelier scene is their sowing general FUD in our democracy ...

    Perfectly plausible. However, I tend to think they do not want Trump as president. His presidency hasn't been good for them.

  10. Eric: "Hey, I liked The CW's Arrow."

    The first season or two, yeah.

    Interesting to appreciate Arrow's echo in Netflix's Iron Fist. (Speaking of 'running out of new ideas' as we were.) And both the comic book heroes owe debt to the Tarzan (raised in a strange and distant land ) / Lord Greystoke (heir to a title and fortune ) setting. And is the Robin Hood /Sir Robert of Locksley that far off the trope? Novelty has a value but use and re-use of good old material in a respectful, careful, and thorough fashion has value as well.

    Turning James Bond or Doctor Who into bimbos; not so much.

    Especially when the cultural archives still hold such rich veins of story ore. Is there no value to feminists and traditional fans alike in the spy adventures of Steed and Mrs. Peel? Perhaps, even, in thwarting Russians... No value in the comic-book capers and escapes of Modesty Blaise? Who redistributes wealth from evil billionaires ... Is modern movie CGI inadequate to the rendering of the Dragons of Pern and the (very often female) Dragonriders? Who save their planet from literally astronomical ecological disaster ...

  11. Mr Melcher, all that is why I liked the Arrow and not Superman (though I liked the humor that Reeves brought to the role)--a real human hero acts with his innate human strengths and weaknesses, not with functionally deus ex machina superpowers. Though Arrow went over the top in the last couple of seasons.

    And I'll hold fire on the new British spy movie. They're not, after all, doing a female James Bond; they're bringing in a new agent licensed to kill with a different 00 number than Bond's. I would have been interested in Naomie Harris' character getting a license, but the movie MFWICs decided she needed to be too spooked by a missed impossible shot, and they had her become a Miss Moneypenny.

    The new Licensee looks interesting, though; I'll know more when I catch the movie on On Demand; since I decline to go sit in theaters anymore.

    Eric Hines

  12. ymarsakar8:41 AM

    What about this theoretical take: Hillary has some goons in Russia, so she tells them to do her the favor of flag ship supporting Trum, that way it is not a false flag op but a real flag op, Russians, without Putin's approval, are supporting Trum in the open, in order to payback Clinton in the USA.

    Humans actually think they are being smart...

  13. ymarsakar8:44 AM

    -a real human hero acts with his innate human strengths and weaknesses, not with functionally deus ex machina superpowers.

    The Matrix Veil of Maya does not even allow deus ex machina superpowers. That's why miracles were always tied to the unique spiritual state of the souls of individuals, what some called prophets and seers and magicians.

    If any single individual or state of individuals, could harness some superpower that makes them unique or better than others... then this whole Game System collapses because players can just ignore the rules and ignore the Dungeon Master and everyone is their own GM (Game master) with a debug/cheat code console to do whatever they feel like. That's not why people volunteered to come to Earth server.

    That does not prevent the future from arriving with these code changes, but that is in the future.

  14. I don’t think Clinton is in a position to demand payback, and she has not future favors to offer. Not unless she somehow got on the ticket, perhaps during a DNC floor fight.

    1. Ymar Sakar8:39 AM

      If she was alone but she has her pact and alliance, the cabal, for aid. They agree to split the spoils of conquest.

      Russia is corrupted just as well as the usa. This covenant and alliance has been around even before cain vs abel.
