
In which Rep. Occasio-Cortez invokes the law of supply and demand perfectly correctly.


  1. That's just what happens in a corrupt system in which well-meaning government officials don't control all the prices.

  2. I mean, credit where credit is due: I had not previously seen evidence that she was conversant with supply and demand. This usage is completely accurate.

  3. True enough, I was as startled as you were. Maybe she'll revise her statement when someone points out to her how orthodox and unwoke it is.

  4. Gringo5:30 PM

    AOC's agricultural recommendation Numero Uno is to plant yuca/cassava, which after all, AOC informs us, is not colonialist.Works in all climatic conditions, from desert to flood rainfall conditions, from tropical to arctic climates. After all, AOC has so much experience working the family farm in Da Bronx.
