Propaganda, For and Against

A study in simple contrasts. I didn't realize Hitler was so well-known in Iran.


  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I wonder if the Hitler knowledge comes from all the Anti-Semitic cartoon contests and propaganda that the theocracy has used over the past few years. Some of it shows Hitler and praises him for the Holocaust being "a good start." (Have a student with family who fled Iran in '79-'80.)


  2. Gringo9:49 PM

    A study in simple contrasts. I didn't realize Hitler was so well-known in Iran.
    Hitler is apparently as well-known in Iran as Stalin, who also appears.
    As there were Soviet troops in Iran during WW2 and after, until Truman told them to get out, Iranians would remember Stalin.

  3. Off topic, but is this the quintessential Grim post fodder (or not)?

    A man locked in a court battle with his former wife has requested trial by combat with Japanese swords to solve the dispute.

    David Ostrom, 40, from Paola, Kansas said he would give his ex-wife Bridgette Ostrom, 38, the choice of an attorney or a 'stand-in fighter' to battle him. He argued in court documents that dueling had never been 'explicitly banned or restricted' in the United States. He pointed out to the Iowa District Court in Shelby County that the method had been used 'as recently as 1818 in British Court.' ...In the documents, Ostrom expressed a desire to meet his ex-wife and her attorney 'on the field of battle where (he) will rend their souls from their corporal bodies.' ...He [also] asked Iowa District Court to give him 12 weeks 'lead time' to allow him to source or forge katana and wakizashi swords.
