A Protest in Iran

The Iranian government painted the US and Israeli flags on one of the streets where the citizenry are protesting that government (this time openly demanding the Ayatollah resign).

The protestors are actively avoiding walking on those flags (I don't speak enough Farsi--which is to say not a single syllable--to understand what they're chanting).

Eric Hines


  1. There’s a hidden class distinction here. The dead passengers were of Iran’s monied, international class — dual citizens or Canadian nationals but of the Iranian diaspora, which mostly comes about through education and wealth. Killing a boatload of rich people’s children buys a different kind of trouble than slaughtering the truck drivers or working people in far-flung industrial areas.

  2. ymarsakar12:25 PM

    Killing a boatload of rich people’s children buys a different kind

    More social connections, more family "resources" to protect the dynasty (Saudis got the US intel boys to pull all their guys out, hours after 9/11), and more "leverage" so to speak ala spy world wet work and psychological warfare.

    If the dynastic patriarch and matriarchs view toeing the line as the best way to survival or prosperity, they may stay quiet or be bought off, as in Japanese history. However, if the times are a changing...

    The more ironic decisions are those who backed Castro. They took the wrong way there.
