"Orange Man Bad"

Molly Hemmingway apparently said on FOX last night that Democrats and Never-Trumpers were united around their idea that "Orange Man Bad."

Turns out that's a frame from the NPC meme we were discussing not long ago.

Speaking of NPC Conan, he's back on today -- with an orange theme, even.

It's not true that 'few would call Conan smart,' by the way; in Howard's stories he is respected as an intelligent and savvy tactician even by his worst enemies.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    DJT gave his remarks and then answered questions from reporters for about an hour, and ol' Conan thinks that throwing a jerk out for extreme bad manners and causing an altercation is "silencing the press."



  2. It's not thinking, it's programming.

  3. Trump's great for the press -- it's more a mixed bag of how both good and bad the press is for Trump.

    Glad Trump threw the bum out. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
