Forcing Another Bite at the Apple

In Georgia, the Abrams campaign continues to refuse to concede defeat; the candidate says that, if only counting the provisional ballots can lower the margin of victory of her opponent's below 50%, she'll be entitled to a new election under state law. In Florida, a recount is already being required in spite of some highly irregular activity in Boward County, which is "still counting" and refuses to disclose how many more votes they still have to count (as many as necessary, one assumes). Marco Rubio is on the latter case.


  1. Is it just me, or does it seem like Broward County has problems with the ordinal numbering system?

  2. If it (the Broward County situation) is truly as bad as the reporting indicates, why aren't the locals staging their own "Battle of Athens"? If it has been ongoing for multiple elections and documented how does anyone expect it to stop other than at gunpoint?

  3. If it (the Broward County situation) is truly as bad as the reporting indicates, why aren't the locals staging their own "Battle of Athens"?

    How is it that the locals simply accept things the way they are in Cook County? Broward County is just an updated version of the canonical example.

    Eric Hines
