The Results Come In

This post’s comments thread is the place for election discussion, if anyone is interested in that.


  1. The presence of the libertarian (2%) may throw the race for governor to the Democrat.

    The Sununus have serious science degrees, do well in office, and then get chucked for Democratic women with feelz.

  2. Fox News is calling Sununu the winner.

    Eric HInes

  3. My wife just told me that. It's very good news. It's nice to have elected officials that are actually skilled in arithmetic, you know?

  4. Kemp in Georgia either cheated a lot more than he needed to, or the state wasn’t ready for a gun grabber who’d sandblast Stone Mountain; or some combination of the two. The polls saying it was close were wrong; perhaps lies.

    Elsewhere polls were better. But there does seem to be a persistent error in favor of one side always.

  5. Cruz won, but Beto got closer than I thought he would.

    I won 100 to zero, exactly as predicted.

    Too bad about the House, but the Senate looks good. Glad to see Blackburn (Tenn.), Hawley (Mo.), Scott (Fla.), Braun (Ind.), and Kramer (N.D.) win. McSally is holding on to a slender lead in Arizona, with only about 1/4 of the votes counted. No word on Nevada yet. That's 4 pickups for sure, and we may get more.

    Scott Walker is within a few hundred votes of his challenger with 90% of the vote in.

  6. DeSantis got Florida's governorship; the last I saw on Walker a couple minutes ago on Fox News had Walker in the lead by a couple hundred votes.

    Congratulations to you, Tex, on your unanimous win--not even None of the Above got a vote. And you didn't need Trump to rally for you.

    Eric Hines

  7. Congratulations, Tex!

  8. The GA governor race isn’t quite over, because the defeated refused to concede. There may be a recount or a lawsuit. Not that she could win. But she might be able to force a recount.

  9. Hey Texan99 -- Congratulations.

    I worked the early voting and election day polling stations in my Texas county. VERY heavy turnout -- as has been reported -- but the underreported aspect of that fact is how many people showed up at the polls wholly unfamiliar with the processes at all. I mean people who did not know that boxes marked with "x" marks had been replaced (in this county) with ovals to be filled in (like a SAT test scorecard). I mean people who had to have straight party voting explained. I mean people who thought Democrats and Republicans had separate ballot sheets. On and on.

    If there had been a few touch point, multiple choice, questions on Jr High level civics and history embedded among the candidate contests, of which at least one had to be answered correctly in order for the ballot to count, there would have been a LOT of void ballots go into the box.

  10. An awful lot of people here were asking where the polling stations were, though they haven't changed in years. Clearly a lot of infrequent voters were getting flushed out of the woodwork. In every primary election I've ever worked, I've had someone complain bitterly that he should have the option to vote straight ticket. Voting and jury duty are things that make you realize most people don't approach life in quite the orderly and logical fashion we may have imagined.

    Speaking of being unclear on the concept, my husband was just telling me that someone showed up on one of the morning talk shows today explaining that the GOP was able to take an unexpected number of Senate positions because of gerrymandering.

  11. The GA governor race isn’t quite over, because the defeated refused to concede.

    Refusal to concede is wholly irrelevant to whether an election race is over; that only matters to the degree of courtesy the loser displays or chooses not to display. The election is over when all the votes are counted and the Secretary of State (or whatever a State uses for the position) certifies the outcome.

    All the loser can do is stall by forcing a recount or whining in the courts.

    Eric Hines

  12. Yeah, turns out the Secretary of State who would certify her defeat is her opponent. Her lawsuit would turn on that very conflict of interest throughout.

  13. I join in congratulating you, Tex, although I think the more significant congrats came before the unopposed race. But your part of the world will be a better place, I don’t doubt.

  14. Thanks! Yes, yesterday lacked drama. I considered asking for a recount.

  15. LOL. Congrats, Tex!

  16. Yes,
    Congratulations, Tex!
    Out here in the NW, things went as expected- more layers of socialists. They all seem so proud of living in WA, I can't understand why they insist in turning it into CA.

  17. It's official- Commissioner Tex!
    One election we can truly feel confident has a good result. Too bad that's a rarity.
