I'll come runnin'

Not to worry.  The State Department professionals have a firm grip on protocol, and this should smooth over any minor little hiccups.

As they say over at Ace, oh, sweet meteor of death, smite me now.  I'm begging you.  Also, I would like to buy you a Coke.

You think I'm making this part up?


  1. On the upside, they'll never again complain when America doesn't show up.

  2. Le Monde is covering the visit of "francophone, francophile" Kerry, but scrupulously avoiding any mention of Mr. Taylor. Now that's diplomacy.

  3. they'll never again complain when America doesn't show up.

    But America still hasn't shown up. Only an empty suit.

    Eric Hines

  4. Oh, I think the point is that they know now what it means for us to "show up," and they'd just as soon we didn't do it any more. Next time it might be Britney Spears!

  5. Eric Blair6:24 PM

    I thought this was an onion article.

    What. The. Fuck.

    How in the world did they think that would actually be a good idea?

    If you put this in a novel, I would think it was satire.

  6. It has our enemies trembling in their boots, though, so we have that going for us.

  7. Eric Blair10:51 PM

    Well if it was to confuse our enemies, then I'm sure it's working.

  8. It probably confused our friends, too.

  9. Why not have Randy Newman go instead? "You've got a friend in me" worked great as an animated cartoon theme before.
