
This requires no comment, other than to wonder if the deliquescence of thought processes can proceed any further, or if we have reached the molecular stage.


  1. Heh. I just sent that article to my daughter in law. She teaches a class on gender/sexuality issues, she's liberal, and she thought this was nuts, too.

    At some point, given enough rope, these people seem determined to string themselves up and then complain that they're being oppressed by The Other.

  2. Oh, no, not the molecular stage. I think we're about to see them split the atom. This argument has the potential to divide the radical left feminist movement to its core, between those who view trans-women as women, and those who view them as men invoking a kind of male privilege that will force another kind of patriarchal oppression into feminist 'safe spaces.'

    It should be highly explosive.

  3. I think this is a minor squabble among fringe elements that will mostly only confirm the mainstream opinion that these folks are batsh** crazy :p

  4. They aren't fringe elements in the academy, at least. It'll be fun to watch, anyway.

  5. Oh, no, not the molecular stage. I think we're about to see them split the atom. This argument has the potential to divide the radical left feminist movement to its core, between those who view trans-women as women, and those who view them as men invoking a kind of male privilege that will force another kind of patriarchal oppression into feminist 'safe spaces.'

    I've already seen it. It was a youtube video of two women arguing at a lesbian rally if the trans-woman (read "male") "girlfriend" of one of the women had any right to be there. And they were shrieking back and forth about the same talking points (i.e. "priviledge", "safe spaces", who had the more "authentic experience", etc). It was like watching a slow motion train wreck.

  6. Feminism is a formula for unhappiness, an ideology conceived by unhappy women who were unwilling to take responsibility for their own unhappiness.

    Their unhappiness isn't their fault, it's not for them to take responsibility for it. It's the fault of the Evil Heteronormative Patriarchy and the vaginaless women amongst them. And it's the fault of Evil Men who too often abusively treat women as equals and so cast judgment on women who don't. Because vaginaless women. Thinking is so judgmental because it embarrasses those who don't think that way.

    Eric Hines

  7. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Mr. Hines, you just made my brain hurt. That ranks up (?) there with Capt. Jack Sparrow's "dishonesty" speech in the original Pirates of the Caribbean film.


  8. They aren't fringe elements in the academy, at least.

    Perhaps so, but the vast majority of people in the real world have no idea what's going on in the academy and frankly, couldn't care less.

  9. That's why the academy wins so often -- few people are paying attention to the poison they're slipping our kids.

  10. That's not meant to be an anti-intellectual comment: hopefully everyone here knows how much I value learning and careful thought.

    I just feel bad for those kids I meet whose heads have been filled up with this kind of garbage. How much pain they're going to suffer needlessly, until they figure out that all these ways of thinking are poisoning them. Their relationships, their jobs, their futures will be hurt until they finally learn that the source of the unrelenting pain is this ideology. That's the thing that has to be let go in order to make peace with the world and your fellow human beings.
