New wine in old skins

Richard Fernandez on paradigm shifts:
But Obama’s not without ideas. He’s full of ideas, all of them out of date. All of them from the last century’s paradigms. He wanted to become like European social democracy at the very moment when it finally collapsed into the dust-bin of history. He hankered after the ideals of ‘progressivism’ when it had already become reactionary. He is like a man who has saved all his life to buy a pair of bell-bottomed pants only to reach the required sum just when they were 40 years out of style. He’s at the store looking to buy them and can’t find them on the rack.
H/t Maggie's Farm.


  1. I just wish his wineskins would burst already and get it over with- still just enough to hold them together- hopefully not through the upcoming election...

  2. It's amazing how relevant these old Biblical verses are becoming, lately.

  3. Eric Blair8:17 PM

    By their fruits ye shall know them.

  4. Ymar Sakar6:54 PM

    The meek and weak will inherit the earth. After disease and war breaks the strong.

  5. Ymar Sakar6:56 PM

    Fernandez is behind on the paradigm shift of the strategic decisions behind the Leftist alliance.

    He thinks the top of the iceberg is all that there is, and thus reacts solely to that. He'll be surprised and forced to revise his estimates, whether he likes it or not.
