Hope Ya'll Have Enjoyed Georgia's Excellent Season...

...because it's apparently over.

If this guy had just asked around campus, people would have given him $400. Heck, season he's had, some of them would have given him $400 each.

UPDATE:  After a convincing 34-0 win, I suppose the winning season is not completely over.


  1. No one has ever accused 20 year-olds with having an overabundance of sense.

  2. My first reaction was 'boy, I miss guys like Herschel Walker' (who made a favored spot in my heart for Georgia, when I've never liked any SEC team!).

    Then I read what he was accused of- first, I'll be surprised if he isn't playing by next weekend, as it would seem all he needs is someone close to him to claim they had the gear, had him sign it as a favor, and then sold it. Not saying it's right, but you'd think those interested would see the out and take it.

  3. Ymar Sakar6:58 PM

    Games as politics and life, never end well.
