Dying Ideas

A host of scholars and scientists discuss their favorite candidate for a (usually scientific) theory that should be abandoned. Some of them are ideas we talk about here from time to time.


  1. Ymar Sakar2:56 PM

    I still find it amazing that most of US society thinks science is done in these big committees of group think and government funding.

    The pioneer and breakthrough work in science were always done by mad scientists, people who were working with invisible powers, Franklin flying a kite with a metal string in a lightning storm or Tesla dealing with his invisible magickal energy thing or the Wright Brothers trying to fly.

    Every single one of them were considered either magicians, crazy people, mad geniuses that society can barely tolerate, or heretics that opposed the dogma of society.

    Then when society uses these breakthroughs to engineer applications that generate wealth, suddenly people in society think they Own the Bank now. As if they know how their microwaves work.

    Then these people get elected to power in DC, and the decline becomes predictable.

  2. Some of those are really interesting, but boy do I wish there was a table of contents or something.
