Opacity and unaccountability

When a charitable organization starts talking about trade secrets, it may be time to find another charity to support.  The Red Cross has begun to pick up the depressing habits of governments.  I wonder whether it's possible for any useful charity work to get done by a very large organization.  The advantages of scale and coordination may simply be swamped by the evils of arrogance and disconnection.


  1. Ymar Sakar2:19 PM

    All big organizations eventually lose all personal initiative. The only fix is to create an unofficial or alternative chain of command at the bottom, like an NCO cadre.

  2. I've generally only donated blood to the Red Cross, saving monetary donations for other organizations that are less difficult to understand. I am not sure if there are any other options for blood donation, actually, not around here.

  3. Grim, just about any hospital will be happy to take your donation. They'll have a lab with a blood bank, and you can see if they have times for donations, or take appointments.

    I stopped donating through Red Cross years ago as the International Red ____ organization was too anti-Israel for my tastes.
    This just reaffirms my distrust of the organization.
