Eric Blair Is Holding Out On Us

This is your home state, is it not?
According to the criminal complaint, Chad Workman told police that Tyson took out a sword in a bamboo case....

Workman grabbed some nearby barbecue equipment – a grill brush/spatula that he used to defend himself.

“I’m thinking, what am I going to do?” he said. “The only thing I grabbed is a spatula.”

Tyson allegedly took the sword out of its case and struck Chad Workman.

Workman says he had to get a dozen stitches and was beaten pretty badly. However, he said he had one shot and he took it.

“Once across the head,” Workman said. “That’s all it took.”

He says God brought him through and in this case, the brush is mightier than the sword.
Well, that's what George Silver said.
Set two unskillful men together at the rapier and dagger, being valiant, and you shall see, that once in two bouts there shall either one or both of them be hurt. Then set two skillful men together, being valiant at the rapier and dagger, and they shall do the like. Then set a skillful rapier and dagger man, the best that can be had, and valiant man having no skill together at rapier & dagger, and once in two bouts upon my credit in all the experience I have in fight, the unskillful man, do the other what he can for his life for the contrary, shall hurt him, and most commonly if it were in continuance of fight, you shall see the unskillful man to have the advantage. And if I should choose a valiant man for service of the prince, or to take part with me or any friend of mine in a good quarrel, I would chose the unskillful man, because unencumbered with false fights, because such a man stands free in his valor with strength and agility of body, freely takes the benefit of nature, fights most brave, by loosing no opportunity, either soundly to hurt his enemy, or defend himself.
Sometimes you can get too fancy. Always bet on the man with the scars on his knuckles, even if he's armed with a barbecue brush.


  1. Ymar Sakar4:08 AM

    Hey, why doesn't this happen in my neighborhood?

    A proper sword cut should truly be demonstrated to the people mass.

    "because unencumbered with false fights"

    Dojo or training fights ingrain false reflexes based upon social shackles more times than not.

    The key is to combine liberty with skill and knowledge.

    I think in a Zombie Apocalypse, untrained sword user there would get eaten pretty early in the intro.

  2. raven3:21 PM

    I did not read all his treatise, but have the definite impression George Silver and Miyamoto Musashi would have understood one another quite well.

  3. Ymar Sakar8:24 PM

    Sword had better not be a stainless steel 440 piece. Can't really trust the media to get it right.

  4. Eric Blair10:51 PM

    Meh. Trailer trash. And it's outside of Pittsburgh. Might as well be in Ohio, from where I'm at.

    I know of another reniassance fencing teacher that said something to the effect of two untrained men fighting each other is basically murder.

    This was just your typical bar brawl with odd weapons.

  5. Might as well be in Ohio...

    That's cold! :)
