Apparently some of our own fellow citizens are not as taken with the NRA.
I have seen the light. After all these years, I now agree that it’s fruitless to give the benefit of the doubt to people who are so obviously corrupt, so clearly malevolent, so bent on hurting innocent people for their own sick gain. No more due process in the clear-cut case of insidious terrorism. When the facts are so clearly before all Americans, for the whole world to see, why bother with this country’s odious and cumbersome system of justice? Send the guilty monsters directly to Guantanamo Bay for all eternity and let them rot in their own mental squalor.

No, no, no. Not the wannabe sick kid who blew up the Boston marathon or the freak that’s mailing ricin-laced letters to the president. I’m talking about the real terrorist threat here in America: the National Rifle Association.

I’m not laughing. What the NRA did last week was no laughing matter.
Are we sure Guantanamo Bay will hold another five million prisoners?

On the upside, it's better than the proposal to kill NRA members we heard earlier. At least this one does something to provide jobs! Our liberal friends have finally found an idea capable of achieving full employment: guards to watch over a vast number of political prisoners.


  1. The author's convictions run up against a singular problem. In order to round up that many gun owning citizens, he's going to need to somehow convince them to go along peaceably. For surely, he doesn't have any guns to force them to go against their will.

    It will be a strange revolution where one side that has disarmed itself attempts to force the armed citizens into concentration camps.

  2. Well, I mean, you're a cooperative fellow, right? Go along to get along? So why make trouble? There's a good chap.

  3. I don't doubt that he did hear from any number of frightening people. We've all run across them ourselves in various comment sections.

    OTOH, whatever else has happened, he does seem to be strangely unharmed.

    The logical connection between calling people terrorists, accusing them of hurting innocents, threatening to have them locked up without trial, and receiving threats himself seems to have escaped the gentleman. His definition of his group as being the good people who mean no harm to the world is so overwhelming that there seems to be nothing he cannot say that would undercut that in any way. That's a rather frightening state of mind, historically.

  4. Ymar Sakar1:23 AM

    Civil war will not be prevented by people indulging in verbal violence porn. Hollywood is perhaps running out of production artists for this kind of thing.

    It won't be prevented by physical violence, either, which is the point of "inevitability". It will happen either way. If it could have been stopped, the time is long past now and would have required bloodshed to prevent future bloodshed. Lacking the will, things go dire, and then a lot more people tend to go up in flames. Humans don't tend to have a lot of foresight when it comes to these things.

  5. Ymar Sakar1:25 AM

    The Left did not disarm themselves at WACO. Feinstein didn't disarm herself when she was a mayor.

    The concept that the Left is attempting to get rid of guns from everyone via control mechanisms is merely an illusion. Controlling the people only means disarming one's enemies of arms.
