For a long time we've heard it said that the Tory party in the UK is just the Labor party in slow motion. That is, there's been a consensus about how to govern: taxes go up, freedom goes down, government grows, union with Europe proceeds. All you get to vote for is whether it happens more or less quickly.

Sounds like that consensus may be breaking up a bit.

Good for them.


  1. I've felt that way about Republicans and Democrats - the Republican Party is the Democratic Party in slow motion.

    However, a third party won't do the trick over here, I think.

  2. Certainly not at this time. There's still too much consensus. It's actually very similar in most respects to the collapsing UK consensus, but we're a bigger and richer country, so it will take a while longer before things get bad enough to break our consensus.

  3. See Chesterton's "Hudge and Gudge."

  4. Ymar Sakar2:02 AM

    I guess that Euro and Canadian idea that somebody, like the EU, needed to counter balance the "lone US superpower" did not go quite as well as some oligarchs planned.

    I suppose they still have their child slave brothels under UN protection to escape to.
