Not doing nothing

The president has been doing some repair work on the fuzzy pink boundary-like area that his political enemies have unfairly read into his off-script remarks on Syria:
[I]f we say we’re taking a position, I would think at this point, the international community has a pretty good sense that we typically follow through on our commitments. . . .  I think there’d be severe costs in doing nothing. That’s why we’re not doing nothing.”
So our credibility is undiminished.  I'm glad he cleared that up.  I had been worrying that he might have been indulging himself in a little preening trash-talk that he didn't expect to be taken seriously.


  1. I'm glad he cleared that up. I had been worrying that he might have been indulging himself in a little preening trash-talk that he didn't expect to be taken seriously.

    Aren't we the snarky one??? :)

    Seriously, I have trouble listening to him talk without wanting to throw something at the TV.

  2. More and more, I realize that my not having access to television is an unadulterated benefit.

  3. So our credibility is undiminished. I'm glad he cleared that up.

    Well, keep in mind, Tex, in response to questioning about causes of the Benghazi terrorist attack, his then-Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said, "What difference does it make?"

    While kicking around ideas for dealing with the Syrian civil war and al Assad's butchery of the Syrian people, one of his carefully unnamed staffers told the New York Times, "If [Bashar al Assad] drops sarin on his own people, what's that got to do with us?"

    And that about sums up Obama's foreign policy: "Who cares?"

    Obama is working hard at his ObamaTalk--his idle chit-chat. He really isn't doing nothing.

    Eric Hines

  4. Ymar Sakar1:20 AM

    If it was Christians clinging to guns in the US, they would already be exterminated by now from drone warfare.

  5. Hello, Y, we haven't seen you in ages!
