Up Helly Aa

The Viking fire festival in Shetland looks to have been a success this year. But look at this version in Ramsden, West Yorkshire! Apparently a community of Shetlanders there does it up right. 

UPDATE: Or maybe it was just an AI picture. Too bad; we could all use a Viking fire fest around February. 


  1. Nah, bro.

    It's in the 40's here. Hot!

  2. Two books I heard referenced but haven't mentioned to you, I don't think. A Council of Wolves, an Anglo-Saxon mystery by Elizabeth Springer, apparently an actual A-S scholar. I read a third of it, my wife read all of it and liked it, we gave it to my second son for Christmas. Achilles in Vietnam by Jonathan Shay. I know nothing about it except that a Homeric scholar on The Great Books podcast thought it was flawed but valuable about how the two sides of war affects individuals in all ages.

    1. Thank you, AVI. I will look into those.

  3. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Alas, we are under a burn ban here and would have to make do with, um, we'd probably come up with something.

