Axe-Throwing Bars

Prima facie this concept sounds both dubious and awesome; it is in fact awesome.

My son has a good arm for it. We didn’t keep score, but halfway through I started throwing left-handed and racked up several bullseyes. I quoted The Princess Bride to him, but he was too young when he saw it to remember. Another worthy thing to do, then!


  1. The book is similar, but with important differences, and I like it better. Reiner did do better in a couple of places.

  2. This seems an excellent day with your son! Mine does not drink, so I'm not sure it'd be quite so entertaining. Ah, well, wonderful for you two.

  3. We actually didn’t drink either; I thought that it might be wise to gauge how well he threw an axe before combining it with alcohol. Next time we might. Turns out he’s not bad.
