The Usual Gaslighting, Please

A woman brought an AR-15 to a megachurch and opened fire, fortunately not apparently knowing how to use the thing very well. The Washington Post reports:
Moreno’s motive remained unclear Monday[.]
That is interesting, because the rifle is supposed to have been equipped with a "Free Palestine" message. That didn't make the Washington Post's reporting. We may never know why this troubled woman would randomly carve those words into a rifle she was intending to turn into a murder weapon.

They did report on Texas' gun laws, which they don't even know if she broke.
She had previously been convicted or pleaded guilty in the Houston area to misdemeanor assault, fraud and drug charges, records show.

Some misdemeanor convictions bar people from legally buying guns in Texas, but it wasn’t immediately clear whether Moreno’s convictions would have. The state has few restrictions on gun purchases, with no firearm sales registry, no required waiting period to buy a gun and no red-flag law guarding against mentally ill or violent people having weapons.
So, really, they were basically asking for it. 

The Post did come up with this, at least: 
Moreno at times used a male first name, Jeffrey, and listed her sex as both male and female in records. It was not clear whether Moreno identified as transgender.

It's probably also unclear if she -- as the Post identifies her -- was using any drugs as "therapy" for this issue. By tomorrow we'll be assured that is a non issue even if it were so, assuming anyone is still even reporting on the case. Those Texas gun laws, though...

UPDATE: Vice is on schedule


  1. I think "the usual gaslighting" could be a very popular drink for the upscale hipster crowd. I used to know a bartender who styled himself a mixologist; he'd be just the guy to ask about what should go in that beverage.

  2. Absinthe or GTFO.

  3. Yes, the green fairies would be most appropriate.
