
Abyssus Abyssum Invocat. 


  1. Gringo12:44 PM

    Time for a civil war coupled with a war with Iran.

    Fifteen years ago, when I first saw news about the hotel bombings in India (Bombay/Mumbai?), my initial reaction was that it was the work of Pakistan's ISI. Which it turned out to be.

    Decades of Pakistani double-dealing with the US and its terrorists finally resulted in the termination of US aid.

    Perhaps the US could drop some missiles on select Pakistani military sites, such as ISI headquarters.

  2. Maybe so. One of the reasons I argued for considering a withdrawal from Afghanistan was that it gave Pakistan and Russia an unacceptable degree of leverage over us. The whole US deployment were hostages to them for our good behavior, because the only ground lines of communication that could feed and supply them were rail lines the Russians could influence, or roads the Paks could close (as they did after the bin Laden raid).

    No such hostages now, though.
