Dodged that Bullet

Headline: "Moderate to Heavy Drinking Linked to Higher Risk of Stroke in Young Adults."

Since I'm no longer young, this story is of no concern to my health. I shall think no further about it.

I did see a cartoon the other day of a man eating something and his wife admonishing him to think of his health. "I can eat whatever I want. That's the benefit of getting older," he said. "If this stuff was going to kill me it would have done it already."


  1. The cartoon man isn't far wrong.

    I'm betting my immortality on the empirical odds: a significant fraction of the human species that has ever lived is still alive.

    The old saw about that which doesn't kill one makes one stronger: this box of Ding Dongs didn't kill me, so I'm stronger, which proves that Ding Dongs are health food.

    Eric Hines

  2. I sometimes say "We've already passed the life where I died young. Or middle-aged."

  3. Gringo1:28 AM

    Recall the Mickey Mantle quote: "If I knew I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself."

    Not a Yankees fan, but a lot of them had a way with words. Yogi, especially.

  4. I try to follow the research on alcohol, and right now (it changes often) it seems that people shouldn't drink until at least 25, and older people should drink a little alcohol for the heart benefits.

  5. @ Tom - the research is similar on marijuana. Don't start until you are about 28 for men, 30 for women, and there is no increase in psychological symptoms. I can't think of anyone I know who smokes but waited until that time, but I guess they found enough to have a study. Pain patients, most likely.

  6. Interesting, AVI. Something I've read -- maybe 2 years ago? -- about marijuana is that it's associated with a slight increase in the chances of developing schizophrenia. Is that true? And does that go away with age as well?
