A Noteworthy Anniversary

 J. Michael Waller

It's worth remembering too that many of the Founders embraced, but others despised, the riotous destruction of private property. There was no consensus even then, not even among the patriots or colonists or revolutionaries of their day.

Indeed, in the runup to the event tax agents refused a demand to resign their offices, describing themselves as "the True Sons of Liberty" because of their devotion to open, constitutional government. 

That the Method of notifying said Meeting is mean and despicable, and smells of Darkness and Deceit, as the Notification for warning the same was not signed, and was posted in the Night.. WE are resolved, by Divine Assistance, to walk uprightly, and to eat, drink, and wear whatever we can honestly procure  by our Labour ; and to Buy and Sell when and where we please; herein hoping for the Protection of good Government[.]

Factions making the same sets of arguments against each other are very much common among Republicans today, I notice. 

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