Master of Magic and Occult Studies

So I saw an article about this program that the UK's Exeter University is offering, but they're really burying the lede here:
The new post-graduate program will be housed within the university’s Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies. The placement will help students understand “the Arabo-Islamic cultural heritage back where it belongs” with “decolonisation, the exploration of alternative epistemologies, feminism, and anti-racism…at the core” of the program....

Emphasis added. I can't imagine any place more likely to receive such a program with intense interest, especially the attempts to "place the Arabo-Islamic cultural heritage back where it belongs... with... feminism... at the core." Adding in actual witchcraft is going to make for an exciting time down at the Islamic Studies department!

Even in the much more staid University of Georgia, the Religious Studies program generated more complaints than any other department according to the officer from the Civil Rights department I spoke with some years ago. 


  1. raven2:35 AM

    Please, pass the popcorn.....!

  2. Oh, sure. All of those austere religious scholars are feminists at their core.

  3. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Only administrators would know so little about their departments as to think that this is a good fit. (Given how hard some admins that I've met work to not know things, I'm not surprised, alas.)


  4. That's funny right there!

  5. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Muslims who raped (thus impregnated) women and murdered their families (coming and going) as they swept through every culture & religion on three continents will not be covered in much detail ;-)
