I went to see GWAR in Asheville. It was cartoonishly violent and profane, much akin to a heavy metal Looney Toons as influenced also by He Man (the band originated forty years ago!) and Hong Kong cinema. 

The concept of the band is that they are barbaric space mercenaries, who engage in battle on stage as they play rock music. Sprays of blood are spewed out from the wounds created by rotary saws, swords, spiked hammers, and the like. There were many occasions for multicolored blood to spray across the audience: fights to the death, executions, murders, and vivisections were all luridly portrayed. 

It was, without doubt, the most amazing spectacle I have ever seen at a concert. At one point they chopped up Vladimir Putin, to the howls of the crowd; later, they beheaded Joe Biden, and the laughing citizens of Asheville danced in the sprays of his blood. 


  1. Wow. I've never heard of them. How is GWAR pronounced?

  2. Gee-war or guahr? I guess space barbarian mercenary would be ... guahr. Only louder.

  3. One syllable. “Guar,” I suppose.

  4. That would have been a better guide: Space barbarian name = 1 syllable.

  5. Just to be clear, the show was epic. I definitely recommend you go if you are able.

  6. I'll look for them.
