A Good Feed

Tonight we were invited to a party by my mother’s friends, and they put out a good table. Yesterday I made braised moose again — wine rather than beer braise, packed with fresh basil — fresh basil pesto, and fire-roasted tomato, mango, and chipotle salsa. The previous day I grilled a chicken, with fried potatoes and a salad that mom made. 

Mom says that she’s gained six pounds since I arrived. 

UPDATE: My mother’s final total was seven-and-a-half pounds gained. She says she’ll have to diet until my next visit. 

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should open a small restaurant.

    When I was at SOS at Maxwell AFB, there was a...restaurant...nearby in Montgomery that served chicken. Any way you wanted it, so long as it was fried. All you could eat. The ambience was jr high cafeteria long tables and paper plates and spoons, but the chicken was very good. Folks went there to eat chicken, not to be seen or heard, and the place wasn't hurting for customers.

    I suspect you could do better variety, and with the same ambience.

    Eric Hines
