These numbers are fairly small, which suggests to me that they already had a specific list in mind. The Inactive Ready Reserve is generally the fate of those whose enlistment has otherwise ended, but are contractually obligated to remain available in that way for a certain period (usually 4 years). This is not necessarily cause for alarm; it may be more to do with recruiting shortfalls leaving them lacking a few companies’ soldiery. 

Still, it looks like it is slated for Ukraine. Our continuing commitment to that conflict, which has already pushed a Democratic administration to endorse the cluster bombs they normally prefer to discuss as war crimes, has created an extended risk given that we are not formally a combatant in the war. 


  1. It may be limited to specific skill-sets they are having trouble replacing as people finish their time, and the poor recruitment numbers of late mean that the .mil isn't filling those positions.
    I saw some speculation that it might be mostly cybersecurity and other higher-tech roles.

  2. Yes, something like that is very likely.

  3. Anonymous8:20 PM

    US military veterans tell family members not to enlist – WSJ

    The nation’s recruiting crisis has reportedly deepened as current and former troops discourage their loved ones from joining

    ...The US military’s recruiting woes have reportedly intensified as current and former troops increasingly advise their family members against enlistment, weakening a tradition of multi-generation service that has historically been the nation’s primary source of new soldiers....

    ....Veterans have soured on recommending that loved ones follow in their footsteps in the face of a tight labor market and rising concerns over low pay, debilitating injuries, suicides, and indecisive wars, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday. The recruiting crisis also comes amid controversy over the Pentagon’s prioritization of left-wing issues, such as transgenderism and critical race theory.......

    .....The Army fell 25% short of its recruiting quota last year and forecast a similar shortfall for 2023. The Navy, which has a goal of nearly 38,000 enlistments this year, reportedly may miss its target by as many as 10,000 this year after posting a 3,000-recruit shortfall in 2022...........

    The US does NOT have a vital interests in Ukraine and young men and woman will not serve when they know the Presidential election was stolen and you have a fake president in the Oval Office.

    Eighty-one million votes, FJB.


  4. The specialties and the proposed role would say a lot.

  5. I was a boot going through SOI when IRR was recalled for Desert Storm. Those guys were hilarious, the embodiment of "IDGAF" as they went through "refresher" training... which cemented into me the core infantry values of being able to drink until 0500, stagger to the grinder, and then knock out platoon PT. ;)
